ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜs ᴇɴᴄᴏᴜɴᴛᴇʀ° ᭄🗡️part 22

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= Warning =

- This book contain's blood, bullying, cursed word and murder stuff. So if you think this is offensive to a young reader or normal reader like you, please kindly leave

Thank you.

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Darryl - ALEX?!!!

Alex looks at his right and in front and he saw Darryl, his best bud from the Asylum. Alex smiles so brightly and waves at Darryl with a happy tone.

Alex - Hi Darry!!

Darryl - oh my goodness its actually you! i cant believe it!!!

Darryl couldnt help how happy he was seeing his best bud, he gets up and runs to Alex hugging him tight and Alex who carries Darryl and spin him around.

The two started laughing seeing eachother again and the whole class was suprised and Puffy was aswell.

Puffy - ahem.. this is class please calm down you two.

Alex - oh im sorry Miss *puts him down*

Puffy - so.. im guessing you two already know eachother?

Alex & Darryl - yes!

Puffy - alright then, Darryl you will give Alex a tour at the school later alright

Darryl - really i can!!

Puffy - *gigles* yes Darryl you can and please take a sit now you two, class will start now.

Darryl and Alex noded and Darryl went back to his sit. Darryl said aww cause he cant be sitmate with Alex. Alex said that he can be his sitmate and Darryl tilt his head in confusion.

Alex went to the guy who was sitting beside next to Darryl and ask him politely if he can switch sits with him. The guy shake his head no and ask him to fuck off. Alex gigles and ask him again with a death glare.

Alex - i dindt quit hear you... sir.. mind repeating your answer..

The guy was frighten and grabs his bag and was yelling at Miss Puffy saying his not comterble at the front so he will switch sits with Alex.

Puffy was confused but just agree, Darryl saw what Alex did and he started gigleling. Alex now sits beside Darryl and the two started chatting while Puffy was doing her lesson.

Meanwhile with Nick, Karl and Zak.

Nick and Karl saw the new guy walked in and imidietly blushed and when Darryl hug him and Alex spin him around they couldnt help it but to feel sad and jealous.

Nick - i.. i wonder w..who is he..

Karl - s..same.. maybe we can ask Darryl later babe?

Nick - good idea babe.

Nick and Karl keep staring at the new guy still blushing and its literally not that obious to spot. While Zak on the other hand was gripping his pencil hard and breaks it in half..

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