ʙᴏɴᴜs +1 ᴡᴇᴅᴅɪɴɢ ɢɪғᴛ ғɪᴀsᴄᴏ

569 20 117

It has been one year from now and everybody is doing so fantastic with their new life. 

Clay - ooooh George~ 

George - ugh.. what now you perv..

Clay - aww come on~ i know you want too.

George - babe.. my legs and ass still hurt so no seggs.. 

Clay - dang it..

George - also have you picked out a wedding present for Darryl and Zak yet?

Clay - nope! I asked our people to like.. give a good idea but so far they all suck..

George - geez.. try asking for Alex and his 2 fiance as well.

Clay - good idea honey!

Clay gets up from his desk and kisses his dear husband George. He went to the phone and started calling Alex but Nick picked it up.

Nick asked who was calling and Clay told him it was him. Nick smiles and starts greeting his best bud and Clay starts asking if he already got any wedding present for Darryl and Zak's wedding in 3 days.

Nick - no luck.. 

Clay - i don't know why but.. why is finding a wedding present that hard!! and where are Alex and Karl??

Nick - I know right! oh and my two baby's are killing people right over there.

Clay - let me guess, some dickhead can't pay his millions of loans?

Nick - oh no he paid! with a huge interest but.. Alex wanted to blew up his head just for fun and Karl wanted to cut his limbs for insulting Alex.

Clay - ahh. Well I'll tell the others if they have a wedding present already for the wedding.

Nick - alright! I'm actually gonna go to Sunny and Erick's mansion to help plan the wedding.

Clay - oh right, Sunny is the wedding planner. Well she did also plan her and my wedding, Alright see ya at the wedding dude.

Nick - thanks bud and goodluck!

Clay hangs up and George hugs his husband behind telling him if there was any luck. Clay shook his head no and sigh and complained about what is the best wedding gift for both Zak and Darryl.

George - you could ask Ponk and Sam for help. The two already have a big ass present for them!

Clay - really? Well then let's go!

George noded and the two headed out of their mansion and went to their limo, Clay told the driver to bring them to Fester st Valley to visit Sam and Ponk.

The driver noded and off they went to Fester Valley. The two arrive and the driver opens the door for them. Ponk was at the gate of his house and welcomed them.

Clay apologized for the sudden uninvited visit but Ponk told them it was no big deal. Ponk invited them inside and they all headed in the living room where Sam was in an apron cooking lunch.

Sam greeted them and told them what brings them here so sudden. George and Clay greeted Sam and told if they already have a wedding present for both Darryl and Zak's wedding.

Sam smiled and told them that their present was a honey getaway at hawaii for a week. The two were surprised and why didn't the two think of that first.

Sam - you know if you're looking for a wedding present.. Why not ask Darryl's sister? you know she has more ideas than us.

Ponk - yeah, she actually gave us a lot of good advice you know.

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