ᴄᴀʀɴɪᴠᴀʟ ᴏғ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ |ɪ|° ᭄🎪 part 32

531 32 238

= Warning =

- This book contain's blood, bullying, cursed word and murder stuff. So if you think this is offensive to a young reader or normal reader like you, please kindly leave

Thank you.

This part of the chapter is extremely insane so if you get trigger easily... please kindly LEAVE!!!

Sorry for the delay!

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*Flashback to earlier*

Path and Darryl smile knowing they were the first couples to ever have the highest time to beat the maze.

Both of them cheered and they both went to the boots to try to win some prizes, meanwhile Zak was gripping his phone hard... His sanity is at 70% and he wanted to murder Path.. right here and now..

Zak grabs his pocket knife and makes his way to Path until.. Ichika grabs his wrist and rushes him to her office or her room along with the others.

Zak - hey what's going on!!

Ichika - you think you can just kill him like that? *starts juggling some balls*

Zak - yeah!! i dont care i want to murder him so bad!!!

Nick - Zak thinks for a moment will ya! If you kill him in this way many people want you to think you will end up in jail!

Karl - that is true, the amount of crime you did will give you at least 30 years of prison because you are at the legal age..

Alex - I agree with both of them.. you need to be more careful with your actions just like I am now because these 2 dont want me to get caught...

Nick - well duh, we can't let our boyfriend be taken from us..

Zak - then what do you suggest then!!!

Ichika - I have a suggestion... Zak, this is my world and the one thing I don't like... is basic killing.. Try adding some fun!

Zak - wait what?

Sunny - to be fair.. i do agree with her, everytime i kill i always give my victims some chaos or torture before ending their life.. cause yeah basic killing is a no go for me...

Zak - hmm.. I think you guys gave me a good idea... *chuckles*

Alex - what are you suggesting Zak?

Zak - this plan of mine is big.. Erick, I need a lot of your goons to help me with this...

Erick - hmm... normally I would ask for a big offer but since you'd help me win back Sunny then you can ask me as much of a big favor as you want Zak...

Zak - *smiles maniacly* perfect...

Zak started telling and explaining his fun idea of a plan.. Zak asked Erick to make his goons kidnap the employees and make them disguise themselves as the employees and Zak asked Ichika to handle the lighting and shut down the whole place to kill the people and the employees to create his own idea of a game...

Everyone was impressed and smiled devilishly knowing Zak is turning into a complete psychopath...

Ichika - may i be the first person to ever welcome you to the Crazy side Zak Ahmed...

Zak - oh this is going to be fun indeed...

[ ... ]

Path - *wakes up* w..what.. what happened- h..huh!!!!

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