Bogum and Jhope

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Heyyo Okay tbh i'm so tired from my friend's birthday party . I think I ate too much cheese . Urgh I can't resist that cheese tart 😭😭😭 but bcs of my head is full with idea rn. So better write .. before I forgot it . Enjoy

No One's POV

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No One's POV

"Hai taebear .. what are you doing here ?" Jhope asked making Taehyung blushed by the nickname

"Taebear ?"

"You're cute like a bear" Jhope said as he pinched my cheeks

"Oh I just show Bogum which is his dorm building then he just nervous to meet his roommate . So I follow him "

" I see .. well hey there bogum . Now your roommate is kind and cheerful . I think that's okay with you "

"Yeah I'm very okay with it . I know you .. you're the dance leader from BTS ! "

"Yep that's me "

"You're lucky bogum .. you can get his happy virus everyday " Taehyung said to Bogum which make Jhope laughed

" I can give it to you everyday too at the uni "

"Really ? Then i want it too !!!" Taehyung said cheerfully

"Sure Tae .. hey come in " Jhope said as he gave a way for Bogum and Taehyung in

Taehyung look around and he eyes stopped at Jhope's desk and bed . He chuckled knowing that his bias wrecker is a clean and tidy guy .

"Tidy like always " Taehyung said as he look at Jhope's shirts that arranged by colours

"I'm your bias wrecker ... I'm sure you knew me "

"Of course . By the way urmm ... " Taehyung not sure what the name to call Jhope

"Just call me hyung "

"Right Hobi hyung- shit .. I'm sorry I always called hyung Hobi in my fan account " Taehyung said blushing looking at Jhope with happy face

"Hobi .. love it "

"Ehem ... sorry to interrupt but Jhope.. how did you know Tae ?"

"Well he's roommate with Jungkook "

"Wow guess we both got lucky, huh ?"  Bogum asked me

"Guess so " Taehyung said happily

Suddenly, his phone ringing which catching his attention . Taehyung look at the caller which is Jimin . He then answered it but .. Jimin is whispering ?

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