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I close my book and put it back in my bag. I'm throwing my head back on my chair and look up at the ceiling wondering what I wanna do next.

"Y/N !!!" Someone shout making me jolt up from my seat.

"Yes, mom"

"Can you please look at the TV for a minute, your bro accidentally pressed the wrong button" She said

"Right on it," I said as I walked out from my room and look at my brother with my done look on my face.

I quickly repair it back and open the channel for my brother. Suddenly, my phone got a call from my bestie. I answered it but I didn't expect her to shout right after I answered.


"Bitch! You think I'm deaf or what?!"

"Haven't you checked out your VLIVE's notification?"

"I'm using the phone now?"


"Oh dear... what now? Is it BTS? "

"Oh hel-"

She got cut off when my mom suddenly shout at the living room making me surprised and accidentally let go of my phone.

'Well there's my iPhone 13 Pro falling' I said as I take my phone and quickly go to the living room back.

"What happened?" I asked

"Mommy take the TV," My bro said as he take the Ipad and go to his room

"Y/N!!! JUNGKOOK!!!! JUNGKOOK ON LIFE!!!" She shouted making me quickly look at the TV which my mom had already opened the VLIVE app on the TV.

"OHMYGODDD!!! FINALLY!" I said making my mom laugh

My mom and I are huge fans of Jungkook from BTS. My dad and my bro already used with us. Jungkook caught our eyes because he's a private person and a hard-to-update person.

"Please there'll be Tae!!" I said

"Huh? I thought someone is homophobic last year"

"Well, thanks for Taekook... Yep last time I check, I'm gay for them"

"Just for them? Really? Are you sure because there is history on YouTube and Netflix... Urm, let's see... Tharntype season 1, season 2, 2gether, still 2gether, Whyru. Don't say no-"

"OKAYYY ALL OF THEM! My Mewgulf is too handsome. I can't help but fangirl like crazy for them"

"Even Nicky Champa and Pierre Boo from TikTok?"

"Yes, yes mommy"

"Hahahaha now look at- OH SHIT!!!! Y/N LOOK THERE!!!" I quickly look back and saw Taehyung, Jungkook's boyfriend

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