BTS knows

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Taehyung's POV

Jungkook continues avoiding me for a week. All BTS members didn't attend the uni because they need to practice for their World Tour. I decided to go to my dad's this weekend. The threats keep increasing in my email making me lose my appetite day by day. Jimin trying to make me eat but I just eat a little bit. Even though Jungkook is avoiding me, he still ordered food and delivered it to me every day. I'm only eating a little and put in the refrigerator.

The world tour will start next week starting in Seoul. I really want to come but I'm scared of the hate from the fans. I know I don't need to be scared but the threats getting more and more serious. Neither of us wants to say sorry to each other. We still didn't makeup yet which made me crave for his warmth and his caring voice towards me.

"Young Master, the master asked you to come down and have dinner with him." The butler called me.

"Thanks... I'll come down now," I said as I wash my face to hide the tears in my eyes from my dad. I come downstairs to the dining room and there's my dead waiting for me. He smiled softly and signaled me to take a seat next to him.

"How's the class?" He asked

"It's great"

"How're the students there?"


"How're the lecturers and the professors?"


"How's Jungkook?"

I become silent because I don't know what to answer that question but I cleared my throat and said "Good"

That's when my dad stopped eating and look at me sternly.

"Not the answer that I expected... What happened between you and Jungkook, now?"

"It's just a fight between boyfriends"

"You guys just date like a month and you guys already fight?" He asked making me teared up again as I remembered back the night we had an argument.


"Hey hey ... what's wrong? Tell me Tae"

"I don't know what to do... I got threats from the fans in my email and sometimes they stalk me when Jungkook wasn't with me! dad help"

"Crazy sasaeng! What Jungkook say about this?" He asked me then I lowered my head. He raised his brows and hold my hand

"You didn't tell him, didn't you?"

"I don't want him to hate ARMY"

"'re his boyfriend for god sake. Jimin said to me that Jungkook even said he'll give up on everything if that makes you happy... did you know how I'm happy when I heard now knowing that my only son will be in good hands"

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