Threaten & Sasaeng

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I'm broke...I'm buying too much nail polish wuaaa!!! Cry in the corner. Btw, let's get it!


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Jungkook's POV


I open my eyes slowly and saw a furious handsome man in front of me with his hands folded. I smiled as I saw my handsome boyfriend first thing in the morning. This past month is the best, Taehyung met my parents last weekend. He follows me to Busan. My mom admired him while my dad was proud of me for choosing the right man but I didn't meet Taehyung's dad since he's too busy these days. Well no offense, Taehyung's dad is one of the most successful businessmen in Korea.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL DREAMING?!" Taehyung shouted making me come to my sense.

I stood up and lean to Taehyung to kiss him but he avoid me making me pout.

"Brush your teeth first! Let's go!! We'll be late and we gonna have breakfast with the hyungs first! Hurry!!! I can't wait to see Jiminie!!!" Taehyung said making me groaned

"So your bestie is more important than your boyfriend, huh?"

"Duh, He's been with me since I was little!! Now hurry up!" Taehyung said as he take my towel and gave it to me with my toiletries. He pushes me outside.

Oh did I mention that Jimin and Yoongi got caught kissing by us yesterday? Jimin was about to explain but Yoongi said he'll explain to us today because he want to finish what he don't wanna stop. Looks like somebody will walk limping later.

I finished showering and saw my shirt already on my bed. I smiled because I knew is my boyfriend's doing. Since we already dating for a month, he's been a very loving boyfriend for me. I feel like as we are already married because he always treats me like that.

I wear my jeans then I feel somebody back hug me. I look at my shoulder. Taehyung looks at me and leans in. We kissed passionately that morning. I take the chance to turn around and wrap my arms around his waist while his arms wrap around my neck. We pulled out when we were out of breath.

"Morning, Ggukkie~" He greeted

"Morning my love. You are such a two-face in one body. Didn't you just shout at me early this morning?"

"well, I have to... You hard to wake up."

"Thanks love..." I said then I kissed his forehead.

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