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Hey guys !!!
I'm writing this while listening to SO WHAT ... Hahaha I'm fired up.
hope you guys enjoy the chapter

 hope you guys enjoy the chapter

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Taehyung's POV

I wake up when I feel someone kissing my face. I open my eyes and saw Jungkook smiling at me. What a sight for me in the early morning. I can wake up peacefully with Jungkook by my side.

"Wakey wakey baby," He said making me blush with the pet name. He notices my red ears, he kisses me again on my cheeks

"Can you stand ?"

"Wait..." I stand up slowly but end up falling on the bed again. Jungkook laughed at me. I glare at him and he gulped. Jungkook carries me to the washroom. Thankfully no one was there... I hide my face at his chest as I can hear him snickering at my cuteness. I pout when he put me down.

"I'll be waiting for you"

"I'll be waiting for you"

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I walked slowly with Jungkook by my side. We walk to the entrance and there's Jimin looking at me with his mouth open.

"What happened?" Jimin asked as he glare at Jungkook thinking is Jungkook's doing.

"I fall down yesterday. Nothing to worry about. Jungkook helps me and says sorry to me." I said calmly because I had already practiced in the shower back then.

"Oh? Turns out you not an asshole then" Jimin said making I pinched his arms

I noticed BTS's other members looking at me with wide eyes. I grab Jungkook's hands and drag him to the hyungs.

"Hai hyungs !" I said cheerfully

"Urmm... hai Tae" Namjoon said

"Jungkook and I are already fine now... He already says sorry and I forgive him" I said

"Really ?" Jin hyung asked making me nodded

"Yeayyy !!! So you can hang out with us again ?' Hoseok hyung asked

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