The two guys

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Miss me? I'm sorry for the long break. I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter!

 I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter!

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No One's POV

Two guys went back to their dorm with shocked looks on their faces. One of them smirking knowing he can make huge money with a video he got. Meanwhile, another guy showed a worried face.

"Bro, we can make money with the proof we have here!"

"Are you sure, you want to play with fire? Is Jungkook we talking here. One wrong step... might eat us alive"

"Dude, you no fun! Come on ... BTS has won thousands of awards. They acted as they own this uni. God I'm so sick of them"

"I don't want to involve with this shit"

"Tsk. Why? Because Tae is your crush?"

"SHUT UP MINHYUN!" (random name... don't take it seriously)

"Is true... bro imagine we sent this video at some magazine or Dispatch, They will break up then that time you can approach him like you comforting him. You'll get close with him in no time"

"Are you sure?"

"Believe me, Jihoon-ah"

"Believe me, Jihoon-ah"

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Taehyung's POV

I feel comfortable than usual. The warmth is comforting making me want to sleep for a long time until I feel someone kiss my forehead. I look up and saw y boyfriend looking at me smiling softly.

"Morning," He said

"Morning," I said with my raspy voice

He put down his phone then kissed my lips but I push him away making him dumbfounded. I close my mouth and shake my head

"My mouth is dirty," I said

"Who cares"

"I CARE! Shush let me wash my face then we can have breakfast together, okay?"

"But my morning kiss!" Jungkook whined made me giggle. I take my toiletries and quickly go to the washroom. I heard the door close when I was running. I look behind and Jungkook is already close to me. I shout because of shock

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