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Hey guys ...
so this is kinda sad chapter
So this song for this chapter ...

Just don't cry

Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ?!?!" Jimin shouted as I woke up


"WHAT ?!"

"I lost my first to him and... he didn't wear condom last night" I said as Jimin widened his eyes realising what I'm saying

"Shit ...." He cursed

Jimin sat on the bed and pull me towards him . I lay my head on his chest and started crying. Jimin patting my back trying to comfort me. After a few minutes, I managed to get myself together.. Jimin help me walking to the dining room.. since ass hurt from last night . I sat down slowly on the chair with Jimin by my side. My dad come after and cleared his throat as he sat at his place. He smiled at Jimin and patted my head.

"I know you don't want to tell me .. that's why I asked Jimin to come here today.. I'll never expect there will be another guest in your room."

"Dad I-"

"I know Tae, you don't need to tell me... as long as you can tell Jimin about it, since he's your bestie ... I just don't want you keep all of it to yourself because if it's got too much, It'll maybe make you depressed.... And I never want my son become like that.."

"Thanks dad" I said softly 

I tried to eat my breakfast but my hands shaking nonstop. My tears started flowing out form my eyes. Jimin wiped my tears and help feed me. That's when I feel so grateful having a best friend like Jimin. He stayed quiet knowing I'm not at right state mind . He comforted me and not being angry with me. He know soon or later, I'll tell him everything what happened last night.


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Jimin helped me to the living room and open the TV for me. We watching 2 movies tpgether.. even it's a comdy movie but we both didn't laugh. At 11 p.m. , Jimin turn off the TV. He look tired and me too. He helped me to my bedroom and lay me on the bed.

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