Drunk & Mistake 🔞

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Finally a smut !
Hope you guys enjoy it.

Finally a smut !Hope you guys enjoy it

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up by a sound of knocking at my door. I groaned and go to the door and there's my butler feeling bad waking me up in the middle of the night.

"Sorry to wake you up, young master but there's a guest looking for you at the living room. We let him in quickly because we don't want the paparazzi noticed him" He said making me raised my brows and realised maybe it's Jimin .

I walk lazily to downstairs and noticed that my dad's car was not here. I look at the butler who's gulping hard.

"He went to the company.. isn't he ?"

"He have a urgent work that have to be done tomorrow morning. Not to worry, young master" He said as I sighed heavily and continue walking to the living room and saw a person wearing all black clothes. There's also two of my dad's worker holding him . I fold my hands and smack the back of his head.


"Taehyungieee~ ywo hwurt me" the person said as I widened my eyes realising it's not Jimin's voice.

"Young master.. it's Jungkook" He said as I flinched when he turn around facing me.

I open his hoodie and look at him. He's in drunk state. I close my nose not liking the smell he have on him.

"Help him to my bedroom..." I said ti the butler and he help me to my bedroom and throw him on the bed

Fuck... he's indeed a muscle pig

"You may go... I'll call you if anything happen"

I take off his hoodie leaving him shirtless and take off his stocking. I'm about to go when suddenly I feel someone grab my hands and pull me on bed . Jungkook hovered above me .


"J-jungkook... get off" I said trying to push him but he's too strong

"Why dwid chu chanwge the ujername" (why did you change the username)

"Jungkook .. you're drunk. Take a rest" I said

"Nwo ! chu mwine !" He said as he kissed my lips

I'm trying to push him but he grab my hands and caged it at my side. He start kissing my neck making marks.


He open my shirt revealing my soft tummy. He kissed it and lick my belly button. I moaned because of the Jungkook's warm tongue. He slowly lead to my inner thights which is my sensitive part. He take off my pants and touch my dick. I moaned when he take off my boxer and stroking my dick

"Jun-ahh Jungkook stop- fuck" I moaned

He suck my dick so sudden make me jolted up and moaned loudly

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