Could Have Been You

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This song are very suit for this chapter.

Listen to this song... I know from my bestie when he's just broke up with his ex. It's caught my attention. Btw, his new gf is my friend too.. hope they will last long. sadly, I don't have a boyfriend yet since I'm always busy with school and I'll spent my time for arts and BTS during weekend. So yep... I'm sure mostly ARMY like me .. since we crazy with our boys 😂😂😂

 since we crazy with our boys 😂😂😂

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Jungkook's POV

The interview ended with a smile on our face. We changed our outfits back and pack our things. We decided to stay at our house tonight since tomorrow is weekend. Jin still quiet but he give me my favourite snack.

"Do you want to eat first or what" Jin hyung said without looking at me

"No.. let's go back home" I said smiling

"Eat first.. we'll wait for you" Yoongi hyung said sitting down

Yes this is my hyung... They're too kind for me. I know whatever I did, they still love me. And how dare I become such a bratty person to them. I'm starting tear up .

"Yahhh ! why did you cried ?!" Hoseok hyung asked

"I'm sorry for being an asshole"

"Thank goodness you know by yourself..." Yoongi hyung said as he sat next to me and open the package for me letting me to eat first

"I'll say sorry to Tae later"

"You should" Jin hyung said smiling at me and wiped my tears

I eat the food with a smile on my face.

"you still a baby" Namjoon hyung said chuckling

"Shit" Hoseok hyung cursed grabbing our attention

He then typing something and put his phone on his ears. All of us raise our brows curious who is the person that Hoseok hyung called at this moment.

"Jimin" He said making Yoongi hyung jolted up

"What happened to Tae ?"

"ON THE SPEAKER YOU RASCAL !" Jin hyung shouted as Hoseok hyung on the speaker

"He's taking a rest.. don't worry much"

"But he didn't reply my text"

"He decided to turn off his phone for a while.. he want to spent his time with his dad"

"So he's fine ?"

"Uncle said he will hired some bodyguard tomorrow since there's already some strangers lingering at Taehyung's place but he didn't tell Tae about it because he don't want Tae to be worried"

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