Max Peterson:

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I swear, he is always kissing her. Or talking to her. Or touching her. Playing with her hair. Holding her hand. They are always together. And yes, they are dating, but I think they're a little in our face. Or maybe they're just in my face. Garrett thinks that they don't talk much, especially when they're around us. I don't know. I think that he takes up too much of her time. So I'm thanking God that I have been given this moment. Well, I hate to see Cassia pinned against a car, casually being devoured by her boyfriend, but at least God gave the opportunity to stop him.


Come on! "Garrett," I smile at his sunny uniform. He wore sweatpants, typical. Of course, he had a matching sweatshirt and a black beanie. It was that popular Baby Yoda beanie with the stitched character peeking behind the lapel. "Lookin' comfy."

Garrett rolls his eyes. "I think you mean 'hot'." He replied, dragging his badly painted nails along my arm. I laugh, sounding like a puff of air. I always find Garrett funny. He's always trying to be attractive, always trying to be cute or hot, he's always trying. And the funny part is; he's failing. I know he likes me. He's obvious and Cassia confirmed last year. To me, it's just a joke.

Speaking of Cassia. I turned to Garrett. "Wanna help me stop that." I say, pointing to them.

Garrett groans. "No! Don't! They're honestly adorable and Jake will kill you."

"I don't care." I walk towards them, quickly pulling Jake backwards by his shirt. "I think that's enough, Jacob."

"Max!" He rolls his eyes at me. "Come on, man. One; it's Jake, not Jacob."

I smile lopsidedly at him. Cassia's blushing bright pink. "I didn't interrupt anything, right?" I feign innocence.

Cassia's embarrassment turns to annoyance. "Hello, loser." She says, bringing a hand up to the back of my head and hitting me.

She almost does it again.


I grab her hand before she can hit again and pull her to look in front of me. "Aye, I don't want you using those hands for bad things. But there are a few things I would let your hands do to me." I whisper, pulling her hand down and still holding it.

She stands there facing me, allowing me to hold her hand. It's almost nice. Clearly, she doesn't think similarly to me. "You're stupid." She whispers, keeping my gaze.


Jake. I roll my eyes.

He grabs her hand pulling it out of mine. "That's my hand to hold, not yours."

Garrett stands beside me the minute Cassia leaves, taking her place. He sighs at Jake's comment. "Jake, you can't say that. We're her best friends, we protected her long before you did."

Cassia smiles at that, making me smile just by looking at her. "When did I say Max was my best friend?"

"Shut up, Cassia." I laugh because we're friends. We have to be friends. We're best friends. Who is Jake to question that?

They walk hand in hand, into the mall with us. Garrett sighs, "He's quite the jealous type. Or at least very protective."

I look at them. "Cassia doesn't need someone to protect her. Well, she doesn't need anyone but us." I rephrase.

Garrett shakes his head. "You wouldn't understand. You flirt but hate commitment and you haven't even been in a relationship. I would give anything to have what they have. I would give anything to have a boy love me like that."

I scoff, disgusted. "As if he loves her." 

jake, cassia, max, and garrettWhere stories live. Discover now