Garrett Henningsen:

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"What shit storm happened here?" I guess the stupid fighting between Max and Jake isn't quite finished. Probably shouldn't have asked that... but what's wrong with cutting the tension with a knife?

Cassia sits down beside Jake and I sit beside her. "Guys, is everything good?" She asks slowly.

"Uh huh," They say simultaneously. Lies. Complete and utter lies.

Max speaks first, making my heart flutter. "We were just talking about sports and stuff. You know how I am and how he is." Of course! Max is an avid hater of stereotypical men's things. Except for soccer, because that's the only sport he plays. He's so hot when he plays soccer. Then there's Jake, who seems like the love interest of some cringe yet lovable teen movie.

Jake nods vigorously agreeing with him. "Yeah, Max doesn't like football."

Cassia rolls her eyes with me, "We know. Now, do you have anything more interesting to talk about or are sports the only option?" She teases. Thank god that she does, I can't handle any more of this dumb sports talk. It's not even the truth. Even so, the passive-aggressive string between them has thinned to a barely visible line, so we move on.

"Where do you want to go today?" I ask, facing Max directly.

Jake answers first, much to my demise. "I was hoping to get Cassia something at that store she likes."

"Really?" Cassia says quickly? It feels like all her comments are in the distance, all I can focus on is Max. He, of course, is staring at Cassia. Or more accurately, paying attention to the conversation. He's stupidly perfect. But, nothing about him is stupid so that's not even correct.

He blanks out staring at Cassia's face. "There's coffee on your face, Cassia."


I look back at her, noticing the milk foam on her bottom lip. "Here's a napkin." I give one to her quickly, hoping she's not too embarrassed.

But before she can even say thank you, Jake butts in again. "I got it." I expected him to grab a napkin and wipe it off for her but he went straight for it. Kissing her bottom lip swiftly. "Your coffee tastes good."

Soon enough, Cassia freezes up and Max squints, annoyed. I laugh at all of them. "Guess that works too." As if it couldn't be tenser. I grab Cassia's arm and pull her up, "Let's go, you need better clothes." I say, staring at her stylish outfit and completely disagreeing with those words. "Ugh, you really don't but more clothes never hurt anyone."

She grins at me, running off while Jake and Max jog to keep up with us. The next few hours are like a montage in any movie. Cassia didn't need to be improved, but I still managed to make her better like all the gay best friends in those movies. Cassia came out of the change room trying on a cute jumpsuit. Beside her, I was trying on some new jeans.

I swear Max looks at me before saying, "You look great." I bite my lower lip, hopefully looking even more attractive. He catches me clearly because he ends up repeating the compliment. "You look great, Cassia." He may have said Cassia's name but I know that was meant for me.

Even so, Jake scowls at Max adding his flattery. "Damn, you look hot."

In the end, Cassia and I both buy the clothes we tried on. She just grabs the one jumpsuit and a headband but I grab three shirts, an extra flannel as back-up to my other six, two pairs of shorts, and those jeans that made Max look at me.

"Now," I say to Cassia, "we need to find something for them." I say, pointing to Jake and Max, clearly infuriated with each other.

They turned to look at us in confusion. "What?"

jake, cassia, max, and garrettWhere stories live. Discover now