Garrett Henningsen:

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I guess that MIA is another way of saying 'ignoring Garrett' because both Cassia and Max have dropped off the face of my earth. I already stopped by Cassia's house three times, I've checked the mall, and they're obviously not at my house. I figured that they were at Max's house -or at least Max was at his house and that was more important than finding Cassia.

I knock on the door loudly. "Max?" I call out. "Are you there?"

Instead, a short blonde girl answers the door. She's very young. "Hi! You're Max's other friend, Gary?"

"Garrett, actually." I correct, a little pissed off. "And you are?"

"I'm Katie, Max's younger sister." She smiles and opens the door for me. "I think they are upstairs, they might be asleep though, so be quiet."

I walk up the stairs on my toes, hoping that I'm quiet enough to sneak up on Max. I push open a few doors, miscalculating which one was his room one too many times until I finally reach his room. My head spins at the sight of them.

Cassia's on her back, her left hand on her heart and her right intertwined with Max's. She has a small blanket over her and her glasses are resting on the table beside her. Max is on his side, facing Cassia. He's holding her hand and has his other hand underneath his head. They're smiling slightly and my heart feels heavy with anger.

I'm too late.

I burst out of the room, not bothering to say goodbye to the dumb eight-year-old who let me in. I immediately call the one person who can help me. "Hello."


"Yeah, I need your help." I say quickly. "To put it simply, I found Max and Cassia sleeping together."

"The fucker slept with her?" He cursed.

"They didn't sleep together you idiot," I roll my eyes at the voice on the phone, "they were just sleeping -like really sleeping, beside each other." I scoff. "Anyways, you know that I like Max a lot. And it's unfair that Cassia gets him after all these years."

"Plus, she's mine." He snarls.

"Right," So dramatic. "I want to work together. If you get Cassia back, I have space to make my move on Max."

"I've been trying to get her back. Why do you think I got back together with Gia? I only care about Cassia, Gia's a decoy." He says blandly.

"Cassia looks like she's been losing sleep, your plan is definitely working. " I say, recalling Cassia's apathy throughout every day.

"That's good." He approves. "Once you have Max, he won't be messing with Cassia and I'll have no problems with you."

"I'm just saying, I still don't like you." I say loudly. "But now that I know that you aren't really cheating on Cassia, I'm okay with you. Plus, we can help each other get what we want."

"I just want my girlfriend back."

"And I don't want my best friend to steal my crush." I add. "So, Jake. Ready to work together?"

"Hell yeah."

jake, cassia, max, and garrettWhere stories live. Discover now