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After a bit, the carriage stopped and the door opened, Phil got out everyone else followed.
Y/N was about to get out but Techno grabbed her hand.

"Y/N stay with me the whole time ok, I don't want anyone hurting you. " he said, and she node. He kissed her on the cheek and then got out.

Fundy tried to run off but Wilbur picked him up, they walked around and there was a tall plate for stage-like, Phil needed to make an announcement so the festival could start.

She did really understand all of it she was told that Phil would go up first then Techno and I she would sit down and then next to Wilbur and Sally, with Fundy, and last Tommy.

Phil would say a few words and then Techno and I could go off around the festival, he promised on the rides there he would show me everything.

"People of the overworld, please welcome your King, King Philza" the guy said and Phil walked up on the stage and waved a bit before sitting down on this throw that was there.

I got a little scared of being up there in front of so many people, I guess Techno could see because he grabbed my hand and smiled"it's ok" he said.

"The oldest and heir to the throne, Prince TechnoBlade, and with him Lady Y/N" Techno and Y/N locked arms and they walked up on stage, Techno helped her because she struggled with heels.

She forced a small smile trying not to show fear, she kept her eyes focused on Techno, he waved and I did a small wave he walked over and there were two chairs, almost like Phil's but smaller, Techno helped me sit and then he took his seat next to me.

I sat there and put my hands in my lap and looked around a bit and at some of the people. I saw some little girls staring and waved a bit and they waved back smiling.

"Second oldest son, Wilbur, and Sally and their son Fundy. "Wilbur and Sally walked up Fundy in Sally's arms playing with a little blue sheep stuffed animal.

They sat down in their chairs on the left side of Phil's throne, their seats were just like mine and Technos. Fundy stayed in Sally's lap.

"The youngest son, Prince Tommy," He said and Tommy walked up on stage waving and took his seat next to Sally, a lot of girls were screaming, they were around Tommy's age, and Tommy loved the attention from the girls, he called himself a lady's man when we all know they liked him because he was a prince and his good looks not for who he really is.

Phil started taking thank the people and everyone, but Y/N wasn't really listening. Fundy start thrown a fit not wanting to stay still, I wouldn't blame him he is a child they have a lot of energy. Sally tried her best and Wilbur helped to his best of his ability.

I looked at Sally and motioned to let Fundy to come over to her, Sally whispered to Fundy to go over to Y/N.

She put him down and ran over to her his little sheep in his hand. She smiled and picked him up putting him in her let, Fundy sat there and played with her hair.

She was looking around at the people in the crowd, and out of the corner of her eye she saw a white mask with a smile, she didn't pay attention to it at first but when she looked back there he was.

The Lost princess(TechnoBladexreader)Where stories live. Discover now