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After a while things calmed down in the castle, it was nice to have some quiet. I was walking down the halls bored, I soon came to the ballroom.

I looked around at the beautiful white walls with gold. The big chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

I walked over to a record player and saw a disk on there, the black record had a light green and teal in the middle and was named C418:Far. I moved the little needle and started playing the disk.

I smiled listing to the song and slowly walked around the ballroom swaying from side to side. I held my stomach as I walked around.

I closed my eyes just listening to the music. I didn't hear the door of the ballroom open.

I bumped into someone and looked up to see Techno. I could see him smiling and he backed up a bit.

"May I have this dance" he bowed and held his hand out to her. I giggled a bit and grabbed his hand"you may"

He stood up putting his hands on my waist and I put my hands around his neck.

We slowly started to dance around looking into each other's eyes. It was nice we never got times like this in the day.

Techno was always working so we could only spend time together late at night but now with the pregnancy I get tired really early so we don't have much time to ourselves.

"What are you doing up? You said you would take a nap before having to get fitted for a dress. " he spins her around and smiled

"I would sleep but this child won't stop moving, and they have started kicking a lot more." I said and he looked at my stomach

" Do you think they will kick for me this time?" He asked, every time someone would touch my stomach to feel the baby kick they would stop like they didn't want them to feel them kick me.

"I don't know, try and see" he went down on his knee close to my stomach and felt my stomach.

"I don't feel anything" he said and sighed a little upset. "Try talking to them" I said and smiled at him

"Um ok, hello my little piglet. It my your daddy" he said softly" I can't wait to meet you, you make me and your mommy so happy. We love you so much" he said and then it happened.

They kicked.

"They kicked I felt it! " he said so happy"yep I felt it, they also kicked my bladder. "I said now having to pee.

" This child going to be the death of me" I said and he kissed my stomach before getting up slowly and kissing my lips

"I love you" he said and I smiled kissing him again.

"I love you too, now I better go I have to pee and I told Niki I would be there before lunch. So I'll see you at lunch ok" I said and kissed his cheek

"See you at lunch my love" he said and we both when our separate ways.

Weeks went by Tommy wasn't talking to me, I didn't care. Well I did but it didn't matter, I was standing on a small stand as a lady name Minx was measuring my body, I was getting fitted for a dress, for the end of kingdom ball, which was happing in 3 weeks, most of the dress was ok but we need to fix it to fit my stomach and also hide it a bit.

The Lost princess(TechnoBladexreader)Where stories live. Discover now