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It was a few weeks after the wedding. We were putting things together for Rosey's birthday and crowning. She was getting her hair and outfit down, I was where a light purple dress. I fixed up some of the gifts and when to where Techno was watching the twins. They were walking by now and talking a lot.

"Mama! "Hypnos ran over and pulled on her dress, I picked him up. " hello sweetie "I fixed his hair and Techno was dressing Thanatos. "You ready to party? " I asked and kissed his cheek.

Once Thanatos was finished he ran over "Mommy! Look outfit! "He said and I picked him up as well" yes I see you both look very nice."

I put them on the bed and Techno smiled. He put my crown on my head" claim down everything is fine. "he said and held my hands.

"I am claim, what do you mean? " I asked and he rolled his eyes "you're biting your lip" he said and put his hand on her cheek softly.

"So? " I stopped Biting my lip I already know what he was going to say. "You do that when you are scared or anxious, everything is perfect and Rosey going to love her party ok" he kissed her head and smiled

I sighed and took a deep breath and smiled" your right, everything will be fine "I kissed him and there was a knock at the door

"Come in" I said and Alice and Ella walked in "hello dear! "Alice said and hugged me Ella when to the twins and picked them up" hi hun" she said and talked to the boys.

"You look lovely. Anyways! We will be in the ballroom waiting ok. " she smiled and left the room with Ella and the twins.

"Ok let's go check on Rosey," I said and he nodes putting his crown on and walking with Y/N to Rosey's room where a maid was finishing up her hair.

We walked down to the ballroom when we entered everyone was saying happy birthday and waving to her. We walked over to the adults and talked to them while Rosey talked with her friends.

Ranboo walked over and hugged me" sorry we are late Tubbo was taking so long" Tubbo and Ranboo married and were crowned kings of the end kingdom. I was happy for them mostly my brother for being king and finding someone to help him with it. 

We were talking with other people from different kingdoms. While we were talking Hypnos ran over crying "sweet what's wrong?" I picked him up and rubbed his back. "fell over" he said and hides his face in her hair

"aww shh it's ok, you ok. where does it hurt?" he point to the elbow and I kissed it and then give him a kiss on the head. after a bit he just stayed in her arms, I didn't mind because he was quiet and he looked pretty tired.

One of the ladies we were talking to kept looking at me, I thought she might be concerned about Hypnos but I just ignored it. I felt Hypnos go to sleep and just let him. Techno looked at me and smiled. 

"do you want me to take him for a bit?" he asked and I shook my head "he fine ill let him sleep a bit then wake him up later for cake and stuff"

"Hm, why don't you let a maid take care of them" the lady said and looked at me sipping her wine.

"Um, I'm good" I looked at her and rubbed Hypnos back "I'm going to get you a drink ok love" Techno smiled and walked off.

"Well we let the maid take care of our children" she said. It was normal for people to have kids and never take care of them
I thought it was wrong.

"Well then I'm sorry for your kids" I mumble and Techno came back"here love" he gave me a glass I thought it was wine but when I drank some it was apple juice.

He know I didn't like wine and wouldn't drink much at events, also apple juice is good so I was thankful"thanks"

He nodes and Thanatos came over and Techno picked him up. After a  lot of talking, I woke up Hypnos and we started lighting the candles on Rosey's cake, we sang happy birthday and she blow out her candles, and after she opens gifts.

After everything, it was time for her crowning. My moms had the twins and Techno and me were in the front she was standing in front of us and he said a few words.

My crown when I was a princess would go to Rosey, once Technos finished I crowned her. She was pretty happy.

Once everything was finished Rosey played with her friends more and soon people left, I got Rosey her clothes as she took a shower

Once she was done, I brushed her hair and put her to bed. Techno read her a book and I when to put the twins to bed, I bathed them, dressed them, and put them to bed, I gave them bottles of apple juice and left.

I walked to my room and took my crown off and took down my hair, showed and once I got out Techno was in bed reading.

I got into bed and cuddles close to him"sleepy?" he put his book down and wrapped his arms around her.

"Yeah" I looked at him and smiled"your very handsome "I giggles and he kisses me" and you are very beautiful," he said

"I love you" I smiled closing my eyes slowly

"I love you too Y/N" I kissed her head and turned his light off falling asleep.


I didn't know what to write for this chapter can you tell because it's a day late.

One more and it's fucking done. Also sorry it short.

Love you all!! Drink water,eat and sleep!

Next Chapter:February 14, 2022

Words: 1001

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