Chapter 17

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Here is the next chapter!! So glad you have continued reading this story because I know it is sure not as perfect as other people's (I'm not good with extreme detail but surely working on it!) and it makes me feel good knowing that people love this story just as much as I do!!

Makayla's POV

I clench my teeth as tight as I can on the piece of rope in my mouth. Alana was working quickly to try and clean the wound but it wasn't fast enough. I thought I was going to die from all the blood lose at this point but it didn't help that my stubborn side wouldn't leave the battle.

"Okay, okay. I think I've cleaned it up so I need to stitch it but it may need cauterized first. We need fire. Where do we get fire. Oh, we also need..." Alana babbles to herself.

"Will you shut up and stitch it! We can worry about that later!" I yell in aggravation.

She nods and gets right to work. I watch the area around us as she works, making sure no enemy lurked about. You never know when someone or something is watching till it is too late so being ahead of the game is always the key to staying alive.

No longer did Alana finish on my leg did we hear a loud noise. A roar, coming from the to of the hill. I know that roar plain as day.

My father.

I jump up and begin to run. I didn't stop, not even if I needed to. I had to see for myself.

I make it closer to the top and witness the sight that decades of Narnian's have waited to see. Aslan, my father, slaying the White Witch once and for all. At that split moment the world opened up all around with pure joy.

We won.

"Dad!" I yell with tears streaming down my face. I run and embrace his fluffy mane.

"You did well daughter. I'm proud of you." He whispers in my ear.

I stand up and see the Pevensie's gathered around... except one. "Where is Edmund?" I ask worriedly. All look around but have no response.


Once again, I find myself running. I begin searching through the bodies for my best friend. Best friend? I never thought I would say that phrase again, let alone to two people. He is the first person who has cared about me since I could even remember. The one to tell me to walk with my head high.

I see him lying on the ground a little ways down the hill. Blood covered his entire side and even from the distance I was at, I knew he wasn't breathing. I close the distance and wrap him in my arms.

"Your not allowed to leave me Edmund!" I say through the bitter tears rolling down my cheeks.

Hands grabbed my shoulder as the Pevensie's gather around their brother who was dead before them. Lucy, my sweet friend, cried into her brother's chest which brought more misery upon me.

"I told him to stay put." Peter mutters under his breath in sorrow

"It's not your fault Peter." I proclaim.

My father joins the group but doesn't seem upset. I look him in the eyes as he then directs my gaze to my axe a few feet away. "Go on Makayla."

The Pevensie's seemed confused but I knew what my father was doing. He is giving Edmund another chance. He is bringing my best friend back to me.

I grab the axe and gently touch Edmund's chest. The intricate design of the axe glows, every swirl and wave light up in a soft gold color as it gives away it's power. Then, I hear his heart beat within.

"He's alive!" I scream and hug the now life-filled Edmund who was smiling like the goofball he is, even after an event like this one.

"Edmund!" The Pevensie's shout in unison, embracing their brother once I step away. I stand next to my father who has such a joyous appearance on his face.

"Thank you."

He gives me any other smile and walks away to let us share in the victory we made in that day.
Edmund's POV

The battle was over and there was peace across Narnia. There was no more snow and finally a time of rest and joy. There was no fear. I was glad to be apart of this time of joy because it made me feel at home. Playing with the kids from school on the playground or scrambling about to play a wild game of hide and seek with my siblings while your sister is talking about a magical realm.

Everyone was kind to each other, well to almost everyone. Makayla was still in unrest, even after leading the army to victory. It pains me to see her unhappy while everyone was cheering with joy. I saw her as the bullied kid on the playground when I first arrived, I may have been that kid on both sides at one time but no longer.

I walk through the camp and notice an array of brightly colored flowers starting to grow. I pick a few: a red, yellow, blue, and pink; then quickly hide them behind my back. I walk again towards the wood where Makayla and I like to spend our time. She doesn't stay in the camp much and it pains me that she won't be around anyone, especially being a Princess like her. She has been hurt so much and no one thanked her for saving their lives.

I come closer to our favorite tree, well two trees bent over and twisted at the top like an archway. I love this spot because the trees are the most unique in the woods. Behind those trees though is a cliff with a view of the mountains beyond.

I lean my back against the tree and shoot around behind it with a quick "Boo!" which caused Makayla to giggle. Her laugh is like music to my ears and brings a smile to my face.

"I brought you something." I quickly pull my hand from behind my back revealing the array of flowers.

She smiles brightly. "Oh how pretty!"

I hand her the flowers and plop on the ground next to her. "Haven't seen you all day."

Makayla shrugs at me. "Just been here. I was getting some looks this morning and I was not in the mood." 

I lower my head. "I'm sorry. I wish they would respect you more."

"I don't need them,' she replies quickly, 'I have you and Alana, I don't need anyone else."

"But they are your people! They need to respect you."

"And that is where you are wrong, they are your people. They are my father's people. I just have a cheap symbol of part time leadership."

"You are a leader Makayla and you deserve their..."

"It's the prophesy Edmund! I am worth nothing and never will be anything in their eyes! I will never be seen as anything more of a coward because I am paying the ultimate cost." She cries.

I furrow my brow. "What do you mean?"

She tries to wipe a few tears with her finger to which I grab a handkerchief and wipe under her eyes.

"The beginning of Narnia... the prophesies given like my fathers death, well one was said for me. In order for me to live, the White Witch cursed me to nothing. She said one day I would be restored if the other curses are broken but I would never know when, till then I will be nothing to the people even if I do all in my power for them."

I watch her weep and embrace her in a tight hug. "Makayla let me tell you something. I don't care what she says, she is dead. I don't care what the people think or say because they don't matter. All I care about it you. You matter more to me than anyone ever has and you always will. I promise you I will never, ever, leave you and will remain by your side. I will never give up hope in you or treat you like trash because you are amazing and I hope you know that. This is a promise and if I even start to stray you are to correct me and put me in my place and I'm putting you up to that."

She smiles. "Thank you Edmund."

Yay! Next chapter complete! Edmund is so sweet to Makayla!!! We will see what happens in the next chapter!!

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