Chapter 5

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Hey guys! Hope you are loving this story! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Makayla's POV

I spend my day doing special one-on-one training with the soldiers. This idea began a couple years ago when I thought every soldier deserved undivided attention to practice their weaknesses. It took a while because there are a lot of people, but our army is ten times stronger because of it. This is one thing that the Narnians actually appreciate me for, and I will not stop.

"Makayla! Makayla!" I hear the Orieus call from the distance.

I lower my sword and look at the soldier for him to give us a minute. The Narnian left without hesitation. I now stand face to face with Orieus who seemed to have a weird look on his face. "What is wrong Orieus? I still have a long day ahead of me."

"Your Majesty,' Orieus bows, 'Your father...He is home."

My eyes widen in unbelief. My father?

"Take me to him at once. I need you to continue working with the soldiers and let them know I have some business to attend to," Power surging through my voice.

Orieus nods and leads me to my tent. It was the biggest tent around and at the front of the camp. I pause at the entrance and take a deep breathe. "It is alright Your Majesty. You've waited a long time for this," I hear Orieus whisper behind me.

I nod and pull back the curtain. My breathe catches in my throat, it felt like some had ahold of my neck. My father turns towards me and smiles. I don't know what to do. He left when I was a child and don't know whether to be mad at him or be glad he is home. Instead, I stand completely still. "Father," I say while nodding my head.

My father sighs. "I know you have so many questions and don't know where to start, but if I may explain, it would clear up some of the air."

I've never heard my father talk like this. His voice was always full of wisdom and power, but this, this was sadness and pain.

I nod my head and take a seat in my chair next to my little table.

"Before we begin, I just want to say how proud I am of you. You have done so much good here and have helped so many Narnians. You may not see it that way and they might not either, but you have changed them. You have helped them grow into who they are meant to be, and that is why I brought you here. The smallest things like individual training really touches the heart of the some the Narnians who feel like they are unseen in the army. They now know that you, their leader, cares about every single one of them, and knows their needs. That just shows your pure heart." My father, Aslan begins.

I nod for him to continue.

"You show courage unlike any other person I've ever seen. I want you to know that even though I wasn't here, I've still watched you grow up into the beautiful woman you are today. Your mother and I wanted to be here with you, but this is a journey you needed to take alone."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Wait. Mother?"

Aslan sighs again. "Yes, your mother. She has been in my country with me this whole time. Her time in Narnia was up, and you came in her place. The Narnians didn't see the real way things happened and blamed it on you. You did not kill your mother. I'm so sorry you had to grow through everything you did."

Tears drip down my cheeks. "I don't even know what to say. You left me here, a child, all alone with strangers. You just expected me to grow up fine. Everyone hates me! They hate me! Yeah, I train them and I try to be nice, I try to talk to them, but what do I get in return?! I get gossip, pain, misery. All I had were you, mom, and my best friend. Guess what? I grew up without them! My "best friend" is here and I can't even see her anymore. It's like my heart has been ripped into two. Now, you just show up and expect everything to be okay! It's not okay." By this time, I am enraged.

My father lowers his head. "I know Makayla. This was as hard on your mother and I as it was you."

I shake my head. "I grew up depressed, alone, heartbroken, afraid, and a leader of people that I didn't even know."

"Makayla, I'm here with you for now. I want to spend time with you and try to start making things right."

I drop my head and continue to cry.

"Also, I need your help," my father continues.

I look up puzzled. "With what?"

He gives me a determined face. One I grew up seeing all the time. "The Kings and Queens have just arrived."

My eyes widen. "They are here! But... We are not ready!"

My father chuckles. "Darling, you are more than ready."

I run out of the tent. Narnians are already gathered after hearing that Aslan had arrived. My father stands beside me and nods for me to speak. "Narnians! Today begins the day we have all been preparing for. The Kings and Queens have finally arrived and will be here soon. Till that time, we train everyday! We gather our supplies and we make this place look spotless for them! It is finally time! My father, Aslan, is now home. We will not fail. We will take back this land! We will defeat the White Witch!" I raise my fist in the air and the Narnians cheer.

We have all trained hard for years, and this is the greatest day.

After the Narnians go back to work, I walk to my normal quiet place while my father talks with Orieus. It was like normal, cold and calm. I plop on a pile of freshly fallen snow and sigh. I've been waiting for this time to come for so long, but now it feels weird. I hope they are not mean or hateful towards my leading. I've tried so hard to make everything perfect.

I hear soft footsteps behind me, but with my lion hearing, I know they are coming. I turn my head and see my father walking towards me. I give a half smile and turn my head back to the horizon.

My father sits beside me. "Don't worry on what is to come. You have done everything very well. I'm proud of you."

I smile. "Thank you father."

"I'm still very sorry I had to leave you here."

"Well, I know you are very busy."

He nods and it becomes quiet again. I decide to stand up, walk into the forest, and turn into my lioness form. I come back and curl up next to my dad. I look up and see his smile. "This reminds me of when you were just a cub."

"Well, I'm not a cub anymore."

"I know.. Now you're a warrior and leader. I'm so proud of you."

I smile. I've waited for this moment for so long, and now I have it. I don't ever want it to end. 

Aslan has returned and we finally learn some of Makayla's story! Oh my goodness! But as we all know just because it seems happy doesn't mean its completely happy.... wait what??? You'll find out later! Also, who is Makayla's best friend she was talking about?...... This is getting good! Don't forget to comment and vote!

~Daughter of the King~ A Narnia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now