Chapter 6

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Hellloooo! Chapter 6 is up! Hope y'all love it and don't forget to vote! This chapter isn't extremely long because I wanted the next part to have it's own long chapter but hope you guys still enjoy.

Edmund's POV

I walk off to the side by myself while Peter and Susan gawk at their surroundings. I wanted to tell them how dumb their faces looked, but decided to be left in the shadows.

"Impossible," Susan says to her herself.

"Don't worry. I'm it's just your imagination," Lucy replies sarcastically while grinning.

Peter looks down at Lucy with wide eyes. I laugh to myself at how stupid Peter's face looked at that second. "I don't suppose saying we're sorry would quite cover it."

Lucy shakes her head. "No, it wouldn't... but this might!" She throws a snowball right at Peter's face.

I didn't want to be apart of this "occasion" so I looked off towards the mountains, the place that Queen Jadis told me to go with the others. While I was looking, I didn't realize Susan had thrown a snowball at me till it hit my arm. "Ow! Stop it!"

"You little liar," Peter turns towards me.

"You didn't believe her either!" I retort.

"Apologize to Lucy,' He started walking towards me, 'Say you're sorry!"

"Alright...I'm sorry," I answer with no emotion. I was still not in the mood to talk to Peter.

"That's alright.... Some little children just don't know when to stop pretending," Lucy smirked before turning around.

Why does everyone have to aim at me? They didn't believe her either yet I was the one to blame. This is why I want to live on my own so I don't have to be blamed for other people's problems.

Susan recommended that we go back, but I was not ready to be stuck in that house with them again.

"I think Lucy should decide," Peter finalized the idea.

Lucy's face lit up and I rolled my eyes, at least I didn't have to go back to that stupid house. "I want you all to meet Mr. Tumnus!"

"Well Mr. Tumnus it is!" Peter smiled while walking to the wardrobe to grab some coats. I was annoyed even more at Peter when he purposefully handed my a girl's coat.

I stayed towards the back during the walk. I watched the trees as the ice shimmered under the light. Icicles hung low from the branches, almost within reach. To be honest, the sight was magnificent. The woods were a winter wonderland. However, the woods were so still that it made it creepy.

I stop walking when I almost hit Susan in the back. Lucy let out a gasp when she sees Mr. Tumnus's door knocked down and runs for the house. I didn't want to run so I continued walking. Finally, a moment to myself.

Once I make it inside, my eyes widen. The house was completely destroyed, everything was broken and thrown all over the place. I take a few steps when I hear a crunch under my feet. I look to see that it was a picture frame with a family photo in it.

Peter and Susan glare at me. I just shrug. How was I supposed to know it would be there?

I notice a note on the wall and point it out to Peter. He rips it off and reads it. I gasped internally when I heard it was written by the White Witch. They couldn't find out about her plan.

My thoughts were interrupted by a strange noise outside. I looked at my siblings and they had heard it too. They were hoping it wasn't the White Witch.

Slowly, as if the floor was glass, we made our way out the door to look around. The only sounds very a few birds chirping above, until a sound like shushing rang through our ears.

I didn't know what to make of it, and neither did my siblings. It was until a twig snapped behind a bush that we became worried. Instinctively, Peter and I stepped in front of the girls to protect them. Well, with how this land seems to be, I don't know if would do anything, but it made everyone feel better. 

From behind the bushes comes a beaver. The four of us share a weird look, then Peter tried to call for it. I was trying to hold in a laugh, and I could tell Lucy and Susan were too. It wasn't until the beaver started talking that our smiles disappeared.

"Well I ain't going to smell it if that's what you want," The beaver tells Peter.

Peter's eyes widen, "Oh, sorry."

"Lucy Pevensie?" The beaver asks looking to my younger sister.

Lucy walks up as the beaver holds out a white handkerchief. "Hey that's the hanky I gave to Mr.-"

"Tumnus. He got it to me right before they took him."

"Is he alright?" She asks.

"Further in..." the beaver says before pointing into the woods and running that direction.

I watch Peter and Lucy start to walk when Susan stops them. "What are you doing?!"

I agreed with Susan on this one, and I needed to get my siblings in a different direction. "She's right. How do we know we can trust him.

Peter just shrugs. "He said he knows the fawn."

"He's a beaver. He shouldn't be saying anything!" Susan retorts.

The beaver comes from behind a rock, "Is everything alright?"

Peter looks back and replies yes. Eventually we all start to follow the beaver. I was last in line again as I look towards the mountain, wondering who I really need to trust and what to do about it.

They have now met Mr. Beaver. Yay!

Now to be honest... I just realized I've never read a fanfic from a POV of Edmund when the group first comes to Narnia. Orr at least I'm pretty sure I haven't so bear with me! Vote and comment! See ya in the next chapter!

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