Chapter 12

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I had to write a paper and it took longer than I thought. However.... the next part is up! Can't wait for you to read it! Hope you enjoy!

Makayla's POV

My head quickly turns toward the sound. The horn. Something is wrong.

"Edmund, we have to go."

He helps me stand up and we run as fast as we can towards my tent. Is someone hurt? Is there news on the war?

My father stood by the entrance of my tent, and the Narnians were lined down the center of the camp looking in fear at what was in the distance. Edmund parts from me to be with his siblings while I take my place by my father. Ahead of me walked four cyclopes holding a throne, with none other than Jadis sitting on it. Alana walked off to the side with a big smirk on her face.

Pain shot through my chest like a volcanic eruption of sadness. Tears burned my eyes like fire, but I held them back. My best friend...forever a trader. Forever an enemy.

Jadis and Alana make their way towards my father and I.

"What is the purpose of your visit Jadis?' I ask, authority flowing through each word, 'You have no business here."

"You have a traitor in your midst." She simply replies.

"His offense was not against you." My father speaks up.

"Have forgotten the laws on which Narnia was built?" Jadis questions.

My father roars. All I can do is stand there, the anger was too much.

"Do not cite the deep magic to me Witch, I was there when it was written." My father growls.

I do not interfere in this fight. This was one for my father. I usually do this stuff, but with it being the Witch, my father is the best person to fight her.

I look up to see Jadis with a face full of sarcasm. "Then you remember well, every traitor belongs to me,' She spits, 'His blood is my property."

I sigh. How are we going to get through this. I can't lose Edmund, we just started becoming friends.

I hear a sword being unsheathed and look to see Peter defending his brother. No matter what the family fights are, this family is one of the strongest I've ever seen.

"Try to take him then," Peter says in anger.

"Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right?' Jadis states, her words lace with sarcasm, 'Little king."

"Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water,' Jadis continues on, 'That boy will die on the stone table!.. as is tradition."

All of the Narnians gasp. I know what they are thinking, we can't lose our King.

"Enough Jadis!" I yell.

"You dare not refuse me! She says angrily.

My father speaks up next, "I shall talk with you alone."

Jadis considers the option and nods in agreement, heading towards the big tent. My father has already walked inside when she enters. I wanted to go in, but it decided it was not the best, and I wanted to make sure the Kings and Queens remain safe outside.

Everything is quiet till a Narnian speaks up. "Why aren't you in there Makayla?"

Everyone pipes up in agreement, nodding their heads.

"I am not needed. This fight goes back to the beginning of existence, which they were both there for. I will leave this for them to settle, since they know everything that happened that day."

Someone that I can't see pipes up, "Well, if you would have done your job correctly we wouldn't be in this mess!"

I furrow my eyebrows but keep my position. I can see the confused look of the Pevensies from the corner of my eye.

"What do I have in this matter that you don't as well? We have all prepared for the arrival of the Kings and Queens, the fact that one had a bump on the path makes them no less of a being, in fact it makes them who they are."

The crowd was silent for a second. I give a small sigh hoping that was enough to stop them.

"You weren't there! You could have stopped him!" Another yells.

I shake my head. Once again, everything is my fault.

The crowd continues on, but finally enough is enough.

"Silence!" I scream.

Everyone looks up at me. "Enough is enough. We do not need all this fighting amongst us!"

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have anything to fight about! We have our Kings and Queens now so why should we listen to you!"

A pain shot through my heart. A single tear slipped down my cheek. I figured this day would come, but I didn't realize it was so soon.

"Well, 'I choke on my words, 'I hope you all are happy."

I shrug towards the Pevensie's and run off towards the woods. I don't even care anymore, about anything. Yeah When were they ever going to realize that enough is enough?


Edmund's POV

I need to go after her. I need to make sure she is okay.

I go to start running but an arm holds me back. I look up to see Peter holding his arm out. "She's too fast for you and you need to be here. Just give her some time to be alone."

"Why would I do that...she needs me!" I complain.

"Edmund... she will be alright."

I sigh and sit on the ground. My siblings follow suit, Lucy and Susan lean on both sides of me to let me know they were there for me.

A few minutes pass till there was a ruffling at the tent. I look up to see Jadis walking out. She was staring at me and my heart tightened in my chest. I can't go back.

She walks past my siblings and I, straight for her throne. We all look up at Aslan who stood right outside of the tent. I could tell he looked saddened, but didn't know what it might be.

"How do I know you'll keep your promise?" Jadis asks.

Aslan roars which immediately causes her to sit down on her throne. The Narnians around me begin cheering for the small victory. How can they sit here and cheer when they were just acting cruelly but a few minutes ago? I, the one to die, didn't even cheer for my life. Even though I didn't die, part of heart died watching Makayla suffer.

I walk towards the woods. I would not let her suffer like this. I turn to look back at my siblings who didn't even know I had walked off, but met the eyes of Aslan. His eyes were full of hurt, and instead of punishing me he nodded for me to go.

And so I listened to the King.

Yay the next part! The Pevensie's have now seen the cruelty of the Narnians toward Makayla... what are they going to do? Where did Makayla go? Will the ending turn out the same for Aslan...maybe.....maybe not? Keep reading!

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