Chapter 10

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Hey y'all! Next chapter is up! Hope you enjoy!

Edmund's POV

I sat with Peter and Susan on the ground while they attempted to pry information out of me. Lucy had disappeared a while ago, but when I look up from the grass I see her and Makayla walking towards us while swinging their arms. Both of them have the biggest smiles on their faces.

"Guys! Makayla is so much fun!" Lucy shouts from a short distance.

We all laugh as the girls take a seat amongst us. I could tell Makayla looked very unsettled being here, but she tried her best to fit in.

"She was telling me all these cool stories!" Lucy started to ramble.

"Oh it was nothing," She blushes.

"Wait! Did you know she is a lion!" Lucy blurted out.

A lion. What? I gave them a very confused look. Susan and Peter almost immediately understood, did I miss something?

"What do you mean she is a lion?" I ask curiously.

Makayla looks right at me and smiles. "Sorry Edmund,' she says, 'I forgot you weren't there. I fought off the White Witch's goons and they saw my lioness form. I was born a lion and I'm part human too."

My eyes open wide. "That's cool."

All of us laugh. It felt good to laugh instead of live in fear, not always having to worry about every moment.

"So your the Queen?" Peter pipes up.

Makayla shakes her head. "No, no. I'm just a princess."

"What do you mean? How come your a princess and you all talk about us being Queens and Kings. You are the one who has ruled this place." Susan says.

"Well, I was born a royal. My mother and father are the absolute King and Queen, and when I was born I was the Princess. I was raised to take care of this place in preparation of you guys to come. One day I could become Queen, if I married, but till then I'm just a Princess. I will fight alongside Peter who will lead the army to take down the White Witch, and all will be right in Narnia."

"That's nonsense that you have to marry royalty when we are just handed it," I blurted out and everyone nods in agreement.

"I'm quite alright with it. You guys were born for this and you didn't even know it till now." Makayla shrugs.

"Tell me about you guys! I feel like this whole talk is about me." Makayla claps her hands together.

"Well,' Peter starts, 'We were born in a place called Finchley but moved in with the Professor because of the war going on where we are from. Our father is fighting in the war and our mother went to help. We were playing hide and seek one day when Lucy found the wardrobe, we didn't believe her at first, and now here we are." Peter shrugs.

"Oh... I'm very sorry." Makayla says.

"No, no. It's quite alright. Once the war is over we will be safe." Susan states.

Makayla nods in understanding and looks towards me. "Random thought but you seem like the type that likes to solve a problem. Ever heard of a game called chess?"

My eyes open wide. "Chess! I love chess!"

She laughs. "We are going to have to play later. I need new competition, Oreius is starting to get boring."

Another round of laughs go through the group. I definitely could get used to this life. Makayla is so easy to talk to and fits right in to our family. She knows how to play chess for Pete's sake, I will need to ask her how she learned later.

Lucy jumps up. "Let's play a game!"

"Not hide and seek." Susan emphasizes.

Makayla makes a funny thinking face. "Have you guys ever ridden a horse?"

Lucy starts jumping up and down. "I want to ride a horse!"

"Race you!" Makayla yells before taking off in a run.

"Hey! No fair, you're a lion!" I shout before running after her, the other three behind me.


"Woah. Woah. Easy boy." I say as I try to keep my balance.

"My name is Philip."

My eyes open wide. "Oh, sorry."

I hear a chuckle beside me and turn to see Makayla.

"Take it easy on him Philip. His legs look a little short, he might fall."

I gasp sarcastically. "Excuse me madam but I happen to be at perfect height for my age."

She laughs. "Oh really, well I'm sorry I can't tell from up here."

I grab the reigns and guide Philip past Makayla.

"Maybe you've got some bad eye-sight," I say.

Before she said another word, I take off into a gallop leaving her behind. However, she runs past me and gives me a quick wink. She yells something about me but I'm not listening. I didn't want to admit but I was a little petrified of falling, and the teasing from my siblings didn't help either. I grab the reigns tighter and take a deep breath.

Here we go.


Makayla's POV

This is the most fun I've had since I can ever remember. Lucy and Susan were so nice and easy to talk to. Edmund and Peter were fun to goof off with. I felt like I had an actual family.

I watch ahead of me as Susan tries to balance on a log. She was flailing her arms, and her laughing wasn't helping. I chuckle as I watch Lucy get on too. They both hold onto each other for dear life, that is until they fall into the creek below.

I was thinking so much that I didn't even notice them fall.

"Makayla? Are you alright?" Lucy asks.

"Oh I'm alright, just thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"

I shrug. "War plans, training schedules, practicing... you get the point."

"Come on Makayla... have some fun!"

"Maybe later Lucy. I'm going to go check on everything and will be back later, I'm not used to all this fun yet."

Lucy nods but smiles reassuringly.

I smile back before standing up to leave. I walk through the woods alone, the whispers of the tree filling my ears.


I freeze in place. That voice. I know that voice.

"Makayla Grace....."

I turn in a circle. No one was around. My heart began to race because no one knew my middle name. I continue to listen.

"Makayla Grace...."

I continue walking slowly, expecting a sound of walking to come from around the area. Finally, I stop but there is no noise.

"Now I'm just going insane." I say to no one. This sounds just like my mom, but she is not here.


"Mom?" I finally say out loud.

"I've finally found you..." the voice says.

Found me? Wait what? 

Cute little chapter! Edmund and Makayla are so cute! That ending though.... Comment your thoughts and Vote!! See you in the next chapter!

~Daughter of the King~ A Narnia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now