Chapter 18

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Guys.... Don't hate me. I'm sorry it took a million years to get to this point. Life as been crazy and exciting as I've been doing a lot and haven't been able to write much. Hope you all enjoy this chapter and show it lots of love! I can't believe we are ending this story!

~3 Years Later~

Edmund's POV

I run as fast as I can through the castle with no thought of giving up, or I would regret it. I hear the echoing of Makayla's voice rattle off the walls and her loud footsteps on the cobblestone floors.

"Edmund Pevensie! Give me back my book right this instant!" She yells, playfully I hope, from around the corner.

I come to a dead end, on purpose may I add, and turn around just in time to see Makayla reach my view. I put my hands up in surrender, with the book in my left hand.

"Aha! I got you cornered! Now give me the book!" She laughs.

"Not until you play me in a game of chess," I reply, being quirky as usual.

"We played for like three hours yesterday!" She groans.

I laugh at her new resentment of the game ever since we had begun playing each other after the war ended. She laughs too and I can't help but watch. Her smile is the most amazing thing and I make sure at all times it is present.

"Alright, we can go for a stroll in the gardens perhaps?" I hold out my elbow for her to grab, which she does after snatching her book away.

"Next time, I will hit you if you take it. I was at a very good part too."


The gardens were beautiful. Flowers bloomed along vines that twisted their way around every pillar or statue it reached. The greenest grass to be found in Narnia grew all around the pathway that led to a cul de sac overlooking all of the country.

Makayla stopped to smell a flower while I picked one. She stood up straight and I tucked in gently into her hair. Once again, her smile shined bright.

"What shall we do tomorrow?" I ask, knowing it will probably be the same thing as usual.

"I was thinking about a picnic! You, me, and your siblings could come out here to eat and play games," Makayla replies, already thinking about the foods that should be prepared.

"I think that is a great idea."

She clasps her hands together and entines her fingers. "I know just what to have the kitchen prepare!" Makayla states with delight.

I smile at her giddiness to plan the entire day. I don't really want my siblings to be there, I would rather it be just us, but if it makes her happy then i have no choice but to accept. I want to keep her smiling as long as I live.


I was riding among my siblings through the Western Woods. We began riding when we heard news that the White Stag has been seen. I was thrilled for the chase, as it had been a while since a rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins.

Peter slows down and points up ahead. The Stag was standing in the brush as though trying not to be seen. Even though we did not make a sound, it knew we were there.

The Stag ran and we chased it as fast as our horses could go.

"Come on! Quickly! It's going to get away!" Susan shouts.

I snapped the reins, trying to come up to lead. I wanted to catch the Stag for Makayla because I knew she would be thrilled. I picture her shocked expression as she sees me coming through the trees.

"Get out of lolly world Edmund or you're going to hit a tree!" Peter laughs.

I stick my tongue out at him just as Lucy comes to halt.

The rest of us quickly stop. "What's going on Lu?" I ask.

She crinkles her brow, "It's like I've been here before."

We look at her confused as she runs through a few trees off to the right. As we catch up her, an old lamp post stands before us. The post is almost unnoticeable as it is completely overgrown with vines and weeds.

I don't think much of it till I hear Lucy whisper from beside me, "It can't be."

Again chasing Lucy, I began to feel quite cramped for some reason; as if we were all stuck in a small room together of some sorts. I started pushing the thing closest to me, which happened to be Susan, because the tight feeling had begun to feel unbearable.

We all shouted at each other, as siblings do when they are shoving each other around, when we suddenly drop to the ground. The ground, however, was not the grass or even snow... it was wood?

I look up to see a toothy grinning Professor standing in front of us.


My eyes shoot wide open, as do the others too. If we are looking at the Professor, that means we left Narnia.

I jump up and run for the wardrobe with not a second to spare. Trying to walk through, I am only met with the wood of the furniture. I start pressing and pressing.

"Open up!" I shout banging on the wood as if something was going to happen. "Let me back in! You have to let me back!"

I feel hands grip around my waist, trying to pull me back. "Edmund you have to stop!" I hear Peter's voice.

"No Peter! I have to go back! He has to let me back! Aslan please!" I cry, pain of heartbreak throbbing in my chest.

This time Susan speaks up. "Edmund! Professor says we don't go back the same way twice. I'm sorry but it's over."

I'm finally dragged from the closet, my weak knees hitting the floor below. "No. No. NO! NOOOO! Makayla!" I cry.

I don't care how I look. I don't care if they are watching. I let the tears flow. I left her.

I left my best friend.

I left my partner.

I left my love. 

My heart hurt when writing this chapter... like a lot. I hope you all loved it!

I'll see you in the next chapter!

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