Chapter 15

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Hey guys! Another chapter! Sorry I haven't uploaded sooner but I was little busy eating turkey...guilty as charged. Hope you guys enjoy!

Edmunds POV

I thought the war the Narnians mentioned would be in a few year, or even a few months, but not a few days. I still don't really know how to fight and I don't know the army I'm fighting with. Peter is all on board to make battle plans but I'm just uncertain, especially after everything that has happened lately. So much to do and so little time. The hardest part is knowing if I can trust the army or not after how they treated Makayla.

I walk around the camp trying to find Peter. The Narnians are hustling and bustling like the streets of Finchley on a work day. Some Narnians are moving weapons, like seeing the daily truck unloading at the local market, and others are gathering medical supplies, food, and clothing. Everything reminds me of home, in a sense, and it really shows me how much I've changed. A young, immature, and selfish kid turns into a King about to go into battle. However, I wish I was home. I wish I could tell my mom I'm sorry.

From living in the shadows to being known is very weird change. As I walk the Narnians bow to me instead of turning their heads to avoid me. I put the Narnians in this position and they still respect me? I betrayed everyone here yet they still want me as King?

I bumped into something, or rather someone, and sent them stumbling backwards. I look up and see Makayla on the ground.

"I'm so sorry Makayla!" I say, rushing to help her up.

"It's alright,' She sighs, 'You alright?"

I nod. "I'm fine. Not ready for the war I guess."

"Lucy and Susan are staying with my father, it will keep them safe and far away from the war. Alana and I have found you boys some armor. Also, where is Peter?" She starts spilling.

I put my hands up. "Whoa, slow down,' I laugh, 'I myself am trying to find Peter. Would you like to walk with me?"

She nods and joins my side as we start walking. It was quiet for a few minutes. I nodded to a few Narnians who called out to me. Makayla walked with her head low, like she was heading for the gallows.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

Makayla shrugs and it hurts me. She has been staying as far away from anyone as possible lately and now I'm dragging her through the middle of camp.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring you this way I should-"

She cuts me off, 'It's okay. I'm still a Narnian and still a leader. I'm just worried that people are going to blame me for my father's death now."

I sigh and stop walking. Makayla walks another step or two before stopping and looking up like a lost puppy. Before she could ask a question, I embrace her in a hug. Her muscles were stiff but finally relaxed. "Thank you." She says.

"Now, let's go find Peter and this time with your head held high."


We finally find Peter with Orieus by Makayla's tent. They were so deep in thought that they didn't hear us coming.

"Peter." Makayla speaks up.

Peter turns towards us and nods his head in recognition. "We are going over the plans."

Makayla walks over to Peter but I stay back. Peter already told me that I would not be in the major battle so I'm not getting in the way. I observe my surroundings and notice Alana walking towards me, with Makayla's axe in hand. Fear pumps through my veins as she is mere inches away from me, today might be my last.

"I'm sorry Edmund." Alana says very quietly.

I furrow my eyebrows. She wasn't going to kill me?

She continues speaking. "Do you mind giving this to Makayla for me? She left it at t the Stone Table."

Alana quickly hands me the axe and walks away. I hold the axe up and notice the beautiful detail engraved in it. Swirls loop their way up and down the dark stained handle and even on the metal of the axe too. It was breathtaking. However, there was something odd about it that I couldn't put a finger on. As soon as Alana handed it to me, I felt something weird.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Makayla behind me. "Oh, sorry. Alana asked me to give it to you."

She smiles. "Thank you."

"It is very beautiful." I state.

"My father gave it to me when I was young. I've always carried it with me but never had to use it. Though my father says it gives me power when battling so I will use it during the war."

I tilt my head and give a funny look. "Powers?"

Makayla nods. "Basically just extra strength."

I nod my head slowly. Was that what I was feeling? No, that would only be for her. Wouldn't it?

Makayla's POV

I look up the large mountain behind me to examine the troops. Everyone was in position: archers and griffins at the very top then goes down by strength with the strongest and fastest in the front. Peter and Alana were on my left and right. In the back of my mind I was wishing Edmund would fight with me but Peter refused.

I turn my axe over in my hands anxiously. This is it.

On the stretch of the horizon, Jadis's army begins to appear. Creatures with disgusting and horrifying features crawl and slither around a massive chariot. The chariot, which is lead by polar bears, is brought down the middle of the field with none other than the White Witch inside. My body cringes at the sight of my attackers.

"Don't stress Makayla, it'll be okay." Peter states after noticing my anxiety.

"This is the biggest fight I've ever been in. I'm just worried because I've barely started living my life. Remember, I'm the same age as Edmund."

"I know. I know. You can't stress because the army sees and feels that from you. Show confidence and be yourself. Don't try to live up to their standards in the battle. Be you and fight like you. I will be right here with you if you need me, and if you need to leave in the end then Edmund is waiting for you."

Peter was right. Living up to the standards of the Narnians won't help any cause.

"Thank you Peter. That is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me."

Peter gives me a small hug from up on his horse. I hug him back then turn to look up at Edmund and Susan then give a small wave. They both smile and wave back but I could tell they were worried, especially Edmund. We were just starting to become best friends.

I look past Peter to Orieus, the one Narnian who has loved me no matter what. No matter what...he was there. I nod my head to him and he returns by placing his fist over his heart.

A griffin lands next to me. "They come your highness with weapons and numbers far greater than our own."

Orieus speaks up, "Numbers do not win a battle."

"No, but I bet they help," Peter responds.

I grab Peter's hand and he squeezes it. We will do this together no matter what.

Then timed slowed as Peter slowly unsheathed his sword. The horn blared and the army began to roar in cheer.

"Are you with me?" Peter asks us.

"To the death." Orieus replies.

"To the death." Alana and I repeat.

Peter raises his sword in the air. I notice that Jadis's army has started running. There is no turning back now.

"For Narnia!.... and For Aslan!"

Chapter done! So excited to bring you guys another chapter! This story makes me so excited to sit done and write. Yeah, it's not perfect, but I love it! I hope you guys love it too!

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See you in the next chapter!

~Daughter of the King~ A Narnia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now