Chapter 7

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Hey guys! I tried to update yesterday but homework got in the way. Sooo here is chapter 7! Yay!

Makayla's POV

I snap the reigns on the horse even harder. I can't let her get to them. I can't let her take them.

I was so close to the Beaver's house where the children are for a short amount of time. My father informed me that Mr. Beaver found the children before the Jadis did and took them to his home. I was glad they are safe, and I haven't even met them yet.

Once again, I snap the reigns. Wolves howl in the distance and I knew they were going to the same place as me. I turn a corner and see the smoke coming from the house of the Beavers. I quickly stop by the front door and jump off the horse. I didn't care to knock so I fling open the door.

All eyes turn towards me. "Your Majesty!" Mrs. Beaver bows.

"No time for introductions, we need to move now!"

Another howl, this time much closer.

"Oh dear!" Mrs. Beaver says while trying to gather some food. I see the older girl get up to help the beaver. I decide to walk over and help too.

Shuffling in the snow made my head turn. I put a finger to my lips and everyone silenced. The beavers and I were the only ones to hear the noise. "To the tunnel, quickly!" Mr. Beaver shouts and runs to a door on the back side of the house.

I stay back and wait for everyone to go through before I shut the door behind me. I start to run until I come to a halt when the smallest girl trips and falls. I pick her up and listen to a strange noise.

"They are in the tunnel," the girl whispers.

"Run!" Mr. Beaver shouts.

We all run again, faster this time, till we reach a door on the ceiling. I hurry everyone up the ladder against the wall then climb out myself. I slam the door shut, grab a barrel, and place it in front of the door.

"We need to move. It won't take them long to get through." I explain until I hear the sound of rocks moving. I turn around and notice the small girl fell on a pile of rocks. Wait those are not rocks? They were statues.

I walk over to the statues. I see Mr. Beaver had found one of his best friends, a badger. I lower my head... she has been here. "My fellow Narnian's,' I say out loud to the statues because I know, deep down, that they can hear me, 'You fought hard and you have been recognized as warriors."

Mr. Beaver walks over and grabs my hand. The moment was sweet, till I hear scratching against a barrel. The Kings and Queens are still looking at me funny, probably because I still haven't even introduced myself. I can tell they are only trusting me because the beavers do. I did happen to just now realize, there are only three of them.

I put a finger to my lips and point to the tree. They all understood and began to climb. I, however, walked behind a few trees and changed into a lioness.

The barrel moves and a few wolves come out. I surprise them by jumping out from behind the tree and give them a loud roar. They shuffled back a little. "What do you want?" I growl.

"You know what we want," the head wolf Maugrim says.

"Well, you can't have them because they are under my protection, and they aren't even here."

He scoffs. "Yeah, right. If you are here, then they are here."

I growl again. "Leave Maugrim, or I will take you down!"

One of the other wolves tries to claw me but I slash him down the side. He whimpers and backs away.

"Now!" I yell.

Maugrim looks at his group then growls at me. "This isn't over princess."

"Tell Alana I said hi."

He runs off and when I know that the coast is clear I walk back behind the tree to change. When I come out, everyone had climbed out of the tree. They all look at me. The Beaver's were ecstatic while the children were completely shocked.

I smile. "Come everyone, it is cold. We shall camp here for the night."

Mr. Beaver helps me start a fire and we all gather around. Mrs. Beaver starts cooking a small meal for everyone. "I never thought I would live to see the day! Her Majesty at my house in the flesh!" She says while stirring the soup.

I chuckle. "Well, here we are. Thank you so much for your hospitality. Believe me when I saw that you and your husband's courageous acts will never go unnoticed. You have indeed saved Narnia and my father is grateful for you."

The Beaver's both smile and bow. "Thank you, Your Majesty," Mr. Beaver says.

I look at the King and Queens across from me. "I suppose it is time for introductions. I'm sorry for the rushed beginning,' I smile, 'My name is Princess Makayla, Daughter of Aslan."

They suddenly had a realization of who I was. The Beaver's must have told them some stories before my arrival.

"My name is Peter,' The older looking boy says, 'and these are my sisters Lucy and Susan."

I bow my head. "It is nice to meet you, Your Majesties. I've waited a long time for your arrival. I have been forming your army ever since I knew about the prophesy."

The girl, Susan, looks at Peter with a weird face but doesn't say a word. Lucy, however, speaks up, "How old are you? You look really young."

I chuckle. "I'm 15."

"15!" They all say at once.

"That's the same age as Edmund!" Lucy exclaims before her head drops.

"What has happened to the fourth?" I ask.

Peter shakes his head. "He was taken by the White Witch."

I let out a huff. "I swear that woman can't leave anyone alone," I mumble.

There was complete silence. "We will get your brother back," I state.

After that discussion and greeting, everyone decided to go to bed. It would be a long journey tomorrow, and everyone need a well night's rest. I, however, did not sleep. I kept watch to ensure no wolves would come back, and I was thinking about her, my old best friend. I realized that soon we would be meeting again. I don't know if I can handle it.

The story has now united! Oh my goodness! Comment what you think will happen next. Dannggg she be really young to be taking care of an army, but when your the Daughter of Aslan, you can do anything. Don't forget to vote!

~Daughter of the King~ A Narnia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now