Chapter 9

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Hey guys next chapter is up! I'm trying to give some story line for all the characters and have them meet so it might not be completely action based but lots of detail! Hope you love it!

Edmund's POV

I walk with Lucy as she holds my hand. She hasn't let go since they found me, something about never running away again. However, she doesn't realize this makes me feel comforted after everything I've just experienced.

The girl, Makayla, walked in the front. She was pretty. She has long reddish blond hair, hazel eyes, and a very muscular build for a girl. Well, I guess all the girls here are able to beat the crap out of whoever they please. However, this girl looked like the type you don't mess with. A sword was hung off her waistband and she held an axe over her shoulder, definitely not a girl you want to fight.

I kept finding myself staring at the back of her head and had no idea why. I would blink back to Lucy talking about some Narnian story I missed. I would just huff and go back to staring.

Once I realized how long I stared, and that Susan and Peter noticed, we were at the Narnian camp. Makayla dropped us off at a big tent in the center of the camp and walked off. I didn't notice where she had went.

The Beaver's stood beside me with the brightest smile, evidently they know what's going on.

A figure walked out of the big tent in front of us. An enormous lion. Immediately, all the Narnians bow so we follow suit. Everything happened so fast that I didn't realize Aslan had called us to stand.

I stand up awkwardly with my siblings in front of the big lion.

"Welcome Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve,' Aslan says, 'and thank you beavers." He lowers his head towards the Beaver's.

A long, and awkward, few minutes passed till the greetings were done and everyone went back to their business. I looked around for Makayla again, but I was yet to find her. Instead, Aslan walks up to me. Seeing the look he gave me, I knew he wanted to talk.

We walk to the edge of camp and stop. "Are you okay Edmund?"

I nod. I really didn't want to talk about it.

"I know what happened and I know you learned your lesson. I will not claim you as a traitor if you give your promise to grow and be the King you are destined to be. You will not speak of this to anyone, except Makayla and I if you need anything. Do you understand?"

I nod again.

"You are very brave and went through a lot of pain, but I don't want your siblings to know and become distracted. If you need to talk about it, Makayla will gladly listen,' Aslan goes on, 'I've seen you try to look for her and I will tell you that two will be good friends." He chuckles.

I smile. "Thank you Aslan."

He smiles, nods, and walks away. I stand alone at the end of the camp and take a breathe of fresh air. It felt good to be free, but I know my life has completely changed forever.


Makayla's POV
I take a deep breathe, the warm air filling my lungs. This is the first time I've ever felt anything but cold since coming to Narnia. I take in another breathe. My body relaxes by the warmth of the sun and my eyes perk up from the joyful singing of the trees.

So much has changed in just a few days that I haven't had time to process. My dad, the Kings and Queens, and Alana. I sigh, now I just hope that my life doesn't get ruined again.

A rustling behind me peaks my interest. I turn my head to see a little Lucy stand in the bushes.

"S-sorry. I was just walking around and you seemed lonely," She says quietly.

I laugh lowly. "It's okay Lucy. Would you like to come sit?"

Her face lights up and she smiles. She sits next to me and looks out at the big field ahead of us. "It's quite beautiful here." She states.

"It is indeed,' I say, 'Definitely looks different now that the snow has melted."

"Have you always lived in the snow?"

I nod. "Yes, but the cold is refreshing and gives a rush. However, I do love the warmth because sometimes you just need to take a moment to breathe and relax."

She looks puzzled for a minute while processing, however she finally understands what I mean.

"So-um-I-uh... I wanted to ask about that lion thing from the Beaver house." Lucy asks unsure how to state the question.

"It's okay Lucy. Remember Aslan?,' I ask when she nods her head, 'He is my father, and my mother well she was just as magical as my father. I am a lioness by heart but I'm also human too. I can change between the two."

"Wow! That's so cool! I would want to be a lion everyday!"

We laugh, and I can honestly say this is the first time I've been happy in a long time.

"Yeah it's fun. I don't go into my lion state much though, people don't like seeing me in that way."

Her head turns. "But why?"

"Well, my mother left Narnia when I was born and never returned. Everyone blames me saying that I killed her. When I'm in my lion form, it just reminds them of my mother and I would rather just be left alone so I don't change unless absolutely necessary."

She sighs. "Oh Makayla I'm sor-"

I hold my hands up. "Don't apologize Lucy, I'm okay."

She nods and grabs my hand. "Well, I've only known you a day and I can tell you that you are a great leader and a great Princess. Susan and I have a lot to learn from you."

I look down at her innocent being as she snuggles into my side. The purity in her heart blossoms like wildflowers. I promised myself that I would always keep her safe because this is a Queen that will be a Mighty Warrior and keeper of peace throughout the land. Her heart is gold. She reminds me so much of Alana, which pained my heart, but I know she will never be like her.

"Come on Lucy, everyone might wonder where you are."

I stand up and grab her hand to walk towards the camp. She swings our arms back and forth while we laugh.

"You know... I think Edmund has a thing for you." She randomly says.

I furrow my eyebrows. "What? I haven't even met him yet."

"I can tell he thinks your pretty."

I end the conversation as we walk into the camp. Sometimes little children can have such an imagination about things.

Yay! Makayla has talked to Lucy some! Isn't Lucy so cute! Did you see what I did in that last sentence;) Comment and Vote! See ya in the next chapter!

~Daughter of the King~ A Narnia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now