Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Glad you're still reading! This is so fun! Don't worry it will be getting a lot better soon! Enjoy the next chapter!

Makayla's POV

I walk around the camp, completely annoyed. However, the walk was pleasant. I was barefoot due to the fact that I just woke up. I go to grab my axe from my weapons box outside the tent, but it was missing. Orieus is the only person who would've taken it so I'm out looking for him.

The grass was wet with morning dew. I wiggled my toes and took a breath of fresh air. The air was cool and crisp, like every day, but it never got old. I've grown up in the cold and have never known the feeling of spring. However, cold in general is refreshing. I continue walking, looking for Orieus and making small talk with the Narnians.

Ever since I came to Narnia, nobody has fully appreciated me. I usually stay in my human form so I don't have to be taunted for being human and lion. Everyone believes that I'm the one who killed my mother then my father left me, which is only partially true. When I was brought to Narnia, my father told me I would be ruling the kingdom till the Kings and Queens arrived. The problem was that I didn't realize it was going to be immediately until he hugged me goodbye and left me Orieus. My father, The Great Aslan, never gave a reason for why he was leaving so everyone assumed it was me.

Everyone listened to me since I was the Princess, however, they would trash me behind my back and they didn't realize I heard every word. It's hard living in a kingdom where everyone thinks you're a murderer and caused Aslan to leave. Since my father left, the White Witch has attacked more than ever before. I've lead so many battles, and I'm only just 15.

Coming out of my thoughts, I see Orieus holding my axe in the middle of the training field. He had a devilish smirk on his face and it made me want to slap him. "Orieus! What the actual heck do you think you're doing!" I yell walking towards him. Of course, with him being a centaur, I have to look up but I still have the power advantage for being a lion.

"We are training Your Majesty," Orieus simply replied.

Giving a nasty look, I pull the axe out of his hands. "And taking my axe does what exactly?"

"Well, today we are going to work in human form. You will use your axe today, instead of your lion abilities.

"Again,' I say feeling like steam is blowing out of my ears, 'What does that have to do with taking my axe?"

"Oh, that was just for fun," Orieus shrugged and laughed.

I rolled my eyes, this is going to be a long day.

As soon as I was about to say something else, Orieus unsheathes his sword and swings it at me. Luckily, being a lion has perks, like speed. I quickly swing my axe to deflect the sword. He swings again, and again I defended myself. Finally, I go on offense and swing towards his legs. Orieus jumps over my axe then gallops toward me and unsheathes his second sword.

This time I was quicker to attack. I swing my axe hard toward the bottom of the sword blade, knocking it right of Orieus's hand. As quick as that happens, I jump on Orieus's back, grab his sword, and hold it to his throat.

"Well done Makayla," An impressed Orieus congratulates.


After a long day of training, I jog to my favorite quiet place. A cliff, right above the camp that shows the whole horizon. The breeze causes me to shiver, but it also calms my thoughts. The snowy ground hides the earth from exposer and the trees sway to the beat of the wind.

I let my mind wander. A hard toll it takes on me, but it's needed. The loneliness, heartache, and pain pour over my mind like honey. Tears drip ever so slowly down my cheeks, and freeze when they hit the ground. Princess of Narnia. One day, I will stand behind the Kings and Queens to possibly rule with them.

This thought haunts me. I've worked so hard my whole life to be prepared for their presence, but now I know I will lose everything I've worked for. I can't let the thought haunt me because they stop the White Witch, or at least everything but my curse.

Yes, I'm cursed by the White Witch. There will be a time that I am banned from Narnia, however, no one knows what will happen or when it will happen. The thought scares me everyday, and that's why I try to be the best I possibly can till then.

I shake my thoughts away, like a lion shaking it's mane. Snow trickles down from atop my head. I reach up my hands to catch some snowflakes, and watch them disappear from the warmth of my palms. I sigh. Time to get back to work.

Soooo we are learning more about Makayla every time she is on the screen! Gaaahhh this is exciting! So what do you think happened with Makayla's past? Do you have an idea on what the curse actually is? Comment and Vote!!

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