Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Hope you liked the intro! Just saying you don't want to forget what happened because you will find out some more stuff in the next chapter... just saying. Anyways, I hope you continue reading!

Edmund's POV

Bombs. Everywhere bombs. We are under attack.

I scramble out of bed along with my brother, Peter, when we heard our mother screaming to run. My sisters, Lucy and Susan, were already making their way down the hall. All of us ran as fast as we could, out the back door, and to the bomb shelter. Right before I ran in the shelter I remembered something, Dad. I couldn't leave without him.

Quickly, I turn around and race for the house, only running with one thing on my mind. Peter was calling out behind me, but I wasn't listening. I grab the photo frame of my father right before Peter tackles me to the ground. A bomb explodes right next to our house. If I was going to be honest, at this moment, I was terrified for my life after realizing what I had done. "Come on!" Peter shouts as we run for the bomb shelter, yet again.

"Hurry!" My mother screams from the other side of the yard.

I was running so fast that when I ran through the door, I fell on the floor. Luckily, I still had the picture of father in my arms. "Why can't you think of anyone but yourself! You're so selfish You could've gotten us killed!" Peter yells.

"Stop it!" My mother screams at him as she pulls me into her arms.

"Why can't you just do as you're told?" Peter states as he shuts the door behind him.

Tears roll down my cheeks. He was right, but I would never, ever, leave father behind.


The train station was packed with people and I was annoyed by how many people were pushing me around. I stand amongst my siblings as our mother gives us our name tags. "If dad were here, he wouldn't make us go," I said to no one in particular.

Peter harshly replied," If dad were here, and the war was over, we wouldn't have to go."

"You will listen to your brother, won't you Edmund?" My mother quickly ended the discussion as stood up to hug me. I pulled back, showing that I did not appreciate the reason why.

After she hugged the others, the conductor called for us to board. My siblings and I made our way to the train, ready to depart from the war, but not home. Building as much courage as we could, we leaned out of one of the windows and waved goodbye to our mother. Sadly, I never knew if we would see her again.


The train dropped us at a random platform in the middle of nowhere. I was confused, well, we all were. "The professor knew we were coming?" Susan stated.

"Maybe we were incorrectly labeled?" I spoke up, checking my tag while doing so.

After just a few seconds, the sound of hooves comes to our attentions. We rush to grab our bags and hurry off the platform to see a middle-age woman driving a small buggy. "Mrs. Macready?" Peter asks hesitantly.

"I'm afraid so."

With nothing further to say, my siblings and I climb into the back of buggy, and ride quietly to the professors house.

Sorry this chapter is so short, but I'm trying to get to all the juicy stuff. However, you always need a good intro to introduce your characters, but it won't be overly long. Hope you guys are loving it! Don't forget to vote and give comments!

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