Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted a chapter in the past few days. I've been super busy.... BUT here we are now! Hope you enjoy! This chapter will skip some of the intro but we are getting to the best part so it's okay!

Edmund's POV

"I'm back! I'm back! I'm alright!" Lucy shouts through the halls during a game of hide and seek.

I'm hiding behind a very long curtain in one of the hallways. I lean out to silence Lucy when Peter walks in.

"You know, I'm not sure you two have got quite the idea of this game?" Peter questions.

"Weren't you wondering where I was?" Lucy asks confused.

"That's the point,' I roll my eyes, 'he is supposed to be seeking you."

Susan practically skips into the room, "Does this mean I win?"

Peter shrugs, "I'm not sure Lucy wants to play anymore?"

Lucy has a puzzled look on her face. "But...I've been gone for hours?"


I'm looking for a magical land in a wardrobe. This is definitely not what I pictured doing during this trip. I knock on the dark stained wood on the back side of the wardrobe, nothing. I do have to admit that this is a very nice wardrobe, but looking for a mystical land in it just seems ridiculous.

"Lucy... The only woods in here is the back of wardrobe," Susan says.

"One game at a time Lu. We don't all have your imagination," Peter gives Lucy a sorrowful look.

I don't say anything. I go to follow Peter and Susan out the door when Lucy screams, "But I wasn't imagining!"

"That's enough Lucy," irritation laced in Susan's voice.

"I wouldn't lie about this!"

Finally, I decide it's time to join in the "fun". "Well I believe you."

Lucy gives a puzzled look. "You do?"

"Of course! Didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboards?"

"Oh will you just stop,' Peter argues, 'You just have to make everything worse, don't you?"

"It was just a joke," I defend.

"When are you going to learn to grow up?"

I am fed up with him. I am fed up with everyone. "Shut up! You think your dad but you're not!" I run out of the room and don't look back. I'm tired of being treated like no one.

I run and hide. I always try not to cry, but now I think it's time. Why can't we go home? Why does dad have to be in war? Why can't live go back to the way it was? Those questions flood my brain, but I know none of them will ever be answered. I'm stuck, like a mouse in a trap, and can't seem to find a way out.


I'm looking at the detail of the house when I feel a sharp pain in my side. "Ow!"

Peter looks at me with a smirk, "Whoops."

We finally were able to come outside today because it stopped raining. With all of the Narnia stuff going on, I needed a break. I still couldn't get the words that Queen Jadis said out of my head. The breeze helped a lot to calm my nerves, well that is till Peter had to throw a ball at me.

"Wake up Dolly Day Dream."

I roll my eyes. He can be very annoying, all the time.

"Why can't we play hide and seek again?" I ask.

"I thought you said it was a kid's game," Peter tosses the ball to himself as he gets into a pitching position.

"...Besides we can all use the fresh air," Susan tries to lighten the mood.

"Not like there isn't any air inside," I whine.

Peter asks if I'm ready, then throws the pitch. I hit it as hard as I possibly can and send it through the stain glass window. My eyes open wide. Oh no. "What in the world is going on-" We hear a loud, angry, voice screams.

"The Macready!" Susan shouts.

"Run!" Peter shouts.

We all run as fast as we can through the house. Turning through the halls, not sure where to turn we heard the loud footsteps echoing through the house. We make it to the room with wardrobe. Lucy immediately jumps inside when someone says "You've got to be joking."

I run into the wardrobe with the others. I am smushed beyond compare and everyone is yelling at each other. The yelling stopped when we landed in fresh, powdery, snow.

We were in Narnia.

We are now completely in Narnia! Yay! Vote and comment what you think is going to happen! Love you guys! Can't wait for the next chapter!

~Daughter of the King~ A Narnia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now