Chapter 8

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Hey guys! So sorry it has taken me a few extra days! However... this chapter is much longer so yay!! You guys will love this! Edmund and Makayla have POV parts in this chapter!!

Edmund's POV

What have I done?

Why was I so dumb?

Questions linger in my mind as I await for the dreadful moment to eventually come....Her return. I didn't want this. This isn't what I was promised. Now, I'm stuck and will die here alone.

I look across the floor at my completely frozen water and a hard piece of old looking bread. I sigh, but when I do, I can see my breathe. I wanted to cry but I thought my tear would freeze to my already frozen skin. I never thought I would be a 15 year old who is thrown into an ice prison.

"Are you going to eat that?" I hear a whisper.

I jump and turn my head in all directions. My eyes finally adjusted to a half man and half goat sitting in the cell next to mine. Wait... Was this Mr. Tumnus?

I push the tray over slowly. He quickly grabs the bread and devours it like it was his last meal. I felt bad for him. He saved Lucy.

"A-are you Mr. Tumnus?"

He nods. I could tell he was about to respond when I heard the cell door open. I scoot against the wall as quick as I can. She's here...

A tall girl with blond, wavy, hair stood in front of me. She was skinny, but had a very muscular build. Her eyes were a bright blue.

"Get up!" She spits.

Before I knew it, she walks over to me and pulls me up by my arm, "I said get up!"

I don't respond. I watch as a Minotaur drags Mr. Tumnus away. He couldn't even walk.

"Her Majesty wants to see you." The girl pulls me out of thoughts.

I lower my head and walk slowly with the blond girl. I don't even know her name, but I don't want to ask.

The door to the throne room opens and the girl drags me inside. I stand before the throne with my head down, I will not look at the Queen. She lied to me. I give a small sigh but grunt when the back of my knees were hit, sending me to the floor.

"Ah, Edmund! Just who I wanted to see!" Jadis says sarcastically acting surprised.

I continue to look at the floor. I will not let her control me.

"Look at me when I speak to you boy!"


I feel pain in my head and realized the girl hit me with the butt of her sword. "You will listen brat!"

"That's alright Alana." Jadis halts the girl from speaking again.

I lift my head slowly and realized that now I've got a headache. I see Jadis smile and internally role my eyes.

"That's much better!' She claps,' Now we will be leaving soon. It's time to go see your siblings, huh?"

My heart starts racing. I hope my siblings are far away. I hope they have found Aslan, or gone home, or are in hiding. I'm the one who deserves the beatings from the girl, Alana, not them. They've done nothing wrong.

I drop my head again because last time I spoke, I was beaten. I'd rather just keep to myself then have to keep dealing with Alana.

"Ginarrbrik! Ready the sleigh."


I'm freezing to death, I just know it.

I sit on the floor of the sleigh with no coat or anything. The snow keeps flying in my face which is making me cough and shiver more. I see Alana smirk, but I keep myself from almost attacking her.

~Daughter of the King~ A Narnia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now