Chapter 13

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Long chapter!! Yay! Sorry if the past few chapters have been boring. I've been trying to write some fillers in between actual scenes. Hope you love this next chapter!

Makayla's POV


Today has just been a ruff day.

It'll all be okay tomorrow.

I shake my head a couple times then lay on the ground. As overwhelming as life has been, I always felt better in my lioness form. The breeze in my fur, enhanced hearing and sight, and speed. This is how I was born, and it gave me comfort to live like a child sometimes.

Disliked or not, I'm still a Princess and they have to do as I say. I wonder if my father overheard the yelling. Is he going to speak to them?

Forget it.

I stand up, shake my fur, and walk towards the nearest tree. I release my claws and begin my ascent up the tree. Seeing the world from a different point of view is something I've always loved, and trees are the perfect place.

I begin licking my paw when I notice a tiny cut on my paw, nothing bad but I always want clean fur. As I finish licking the cut, I hear the ruffling of leaves below me. Is my mother, ghost thing, following me?

However, it was not my mother, it was Edmund. He was searching anxiously around the trees. "Makayla! Where are you?"


Edmund's POV

I've been searching for a while and I was close to giving up, but I couldn't.

"Makayla! Where are you?" I yell loudly.

I run my fingers through my hair. She is probably long gone. I get a friend and not an hour later she is gone.

Before I realized, I was face to face with a lion. A female lion to be exact.

"Makayla? Wow, you look pretty as a lion."

I could see her smirk and nod her head. I assumed it meant thank you.

"We should be getting back, your father is worried and my siblings don't know where I am."

She nods her head and falls in step with me. In her lion form she is much bigger than me. She has golden fur that shimmers softly in the light. She is beautiful.

I mentally shake my thoughts away. I'm only  fifteen, I can't be thinking of girls. Besides, she is only thinking of me as a friend.

I make my thoughts vanish as we finally arrive at camp. Makayla walked towards her tent quietly, making sure that no one came into eye contact with her. I watch her go then make my way towards my siblings.

They all have fearful expressions, yet seemed to not be mad.

"We were so worried!" Susan shouts.

Lucy runs up to hug me. "Aslan said you went to do something for him but never told us where!"

I grin. "I'm alright Lucy."

Peter stays back to give me space. I think he knew what I did. He nods and gives a small smile.

"Okay girls it's getting late and you both need to get your rest." Peter steps in to get the girls off me.

"Yes mother." Lucy says before sticking her tongue out.

"You little squirt!" Peter shouts causing Lucy to squeal and take off running.

Susan and I laugh. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and starts to walk towards the tents.

~Daughter of the King~ A Narnia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now