Chapter 14

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Hello! Hello! The next chapter is up! This is one is sad just to let you know.... but it will get better! Hope you guys enjoy reading!

Makayla's POV

I know he is leaving but I don't feel comfortable at all, something is very unsettling. I pretend to walk back towards the camp but quickly hide behind some trees. Low and behold, Lucy and Susan were hiding in the same place.

"Really guys?" I ask.

Susan shrugs and Lucy makes a pouting face. I roll my eyes but let it go. I know they are just worried about my father as much as I am.

"We need to follow him" Lucy states.

"We will, but this time we can't have him knowing we are coming." Susan agrees.

I nod my head. We wait till my father is out of sight and I begin following his scent. All of a sudden, however, different smells jumped out at once, these smells were not good.

"Something's not right. I smell Jadis." I anxiously say.

Lucy and Susan's eyes widen and they gasp.

What has my father done?

I take off quickly through the woods, knowing that the girls would be on my heels. I come to a stop at the last set of bushes before exiting the wood. I lift my hand to signal to the girls not to move.

Susan and I part the bushes enough for us to see. I slightly gasp at the sight, The Stone Table. Jadis is standing with Alana on the table, the army is surrounding the table chanting and screaming. My stomach twisted at the sight in front of me. My father is going to die.

He said he would be back! He promised everything would be okay! Now, he is giving up his life for Narnia, and I can't bear to see it.

I let go of the bush and start hyperventilating, I didn't know what to do. Susan and Lucy were holding me but they didn't understand what happened to me. They don't understand what's about to come.

I try to calm my breathing and look through the bushes again. I was not going to leave till I said goodbye. Susan held the other part of the bushes but was staring at me.

"What's going on?" She whispered.

I shake my head and all I say is, "Don't let Lucy see."

She gasps and in my peripheral I see tears in her eyes. She understands what is about to happen. Quickly, she grabs Lucy and pulls her back so I'm the only person able to see through the bush. Of course, Lucy fought but finally surrendered when I looked at her with tear filled eyes, instead she hugged my back.

Jadis was shouting at her army with her wand in the air, and the army kept screaming in delight. It made me sick. How can they be so cruel? Alana stood there with a full grin on her face, but there was something else too that I didn't know how to explain, it looked scared.

My heart raced the higher Jadis's wand went till all noise stopped.

It's time.

Jadis plunges the wand into my father and he falls to the ground, I could no longer hear his beating heart. He is dead. My father is dead.

I begin crying but I couldn't make a sound. I couldn't scream out in pain. I couldn't hold my father in my arms or burry my face in his neck.

I couldn't tell him goodbye.

"No.No.No." I start whispering to myself. I feel Susan hugging me and I could tell it was as tight as she could, but I couldn't feel a thing.

After a few minutes, I notice the smell of the army is gone. I immediately stand up and run to my father's body. "I'm so sorry daddy. I should have saved you," I whisper into his fur coat.

Susan was off to the side tending to Lucy who was also crying. The poor girl, she loved my father like her own.

I stay with my father and I never want to move, however I start to smell someone else around us. I sit up quickly to make sure the Queens were safe.

The smell was familiar, one I knew when I was young. Alana.

She slowly walks out from some bushes opposite of where we were hiding. Tears spilled down her cheeks and her hands were shaking. I stand up and slowly walk towards her, unsure if this is just a trap.

"Makayla, I'm so sorry!' Alana cries, 'I-I wasn't thinking and now he is dead because of me. I-I should've done something."

I haven't seen this version of the soft hearted girl since we were kids. I walk forward and wrap the girl in an embrace. "It's not your fault." I whisper.

"I should've just listened to you."

We walked slowly towards my father like the ground was made of ice. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Our feet crush the leaves under our feet, but deep down it feels like the breaking of our hearts. He raised us, both of us, and when she left my father was devastated. He died in front a traitor, now she is redeemed.

With the loss of one, another was reborn.


Edmund's POV

For some reason, I feel really uneasy and can't sleep. I don't know why but something feels wrong.

I finally open my eyes even though it's blacker than the back of my eyelids. Things changed though when a being appeared in front of me. "King Edmund."

Out of instinct I grab the sword, even though she is a ghost. Peter hears and does the same.

"King Edmund, do not be afraid. I have urgent news." The being says.

"Why should I trust you?" I ask hesitantly.

"I am Makayla's mother."

My jaw drops. I thought she was dead?

"Now, you must hurry. Aslan has been killed on the Stone Table and this means the war will be soon. You need to begin preparing. Your sisters are with Aslan and so are Makayla and Alana-"

"Wait Alana!" I yell, jumping out of the bed.

Makayla's mother chuckles. "No need to fear young warrior. She has realized her mistakes and begged forgiveness. You need to bring the girls here and prepare your weapons. They will be under a lot of distress so give them time. Aslan raised them both to be the strongest warriors in all of Narnia, but this is unlike anything they have even encountered for being so young. Be brave my Kings. Also, make sure Makayla keeps her axe at all times." She says then vanishes.

I look at Peter with wide eyes. He sheaths his sword and grabs his shield.

"If it's a battle they want, then so be it."

This is such a sad chapter but Alana is redeemed! Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter!

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