Chapter 16

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It's been a long time my friends but I'm back! I've had a lot going on and I'm sorry for anyone who thought I abandoned them but I didn't! Here is the next part and I'm super excited! Hope you love it!!

Lioness: a wild and powerful creature that leads with no hesitation even in the worst circumstance. That is me, that is who I was meant to be.

I hand off my axe to Alana and change into a lioness. No one has seen my lioness form in a long time, if they even have in the first place for most have not, and I fear for it but this is the true me that the Narnian's need, not a coward who is beat down and enslaved by them. Today, I am the power and strength of this battle.

I let out a roar, louder and more powerful than anyone has heard in a long time, like the earth before it quakes. In the distance, Jadis's army begins tripping over their own feet as not to be in the front lines. I don't blame them, I wouldn't want to be their either.

I plant my feet in the ground and push off with all my might. I felt like a runner leading a race but we were all on the same team and the end has a terrible prize. The runners with me were all the fastest creatures amongst the Narnians: cheetahs, leopards, and other cats. We were the beginning of the battle and would break the barrier for the other Narnian's to come through.

I close the gap with the enemy and jump on the first creature I see and bury my teeth in it's neck. Brutal yes, but it has to be done. One after one, I break the enemies necks with all the force I can, it's the only way to insure they would not hurt anyone else.

I fought my way through the battle, trying to find Alana in the process so I could become human. I couldn't find her anywhere. I was hoping her mother didn't find her. Just when I thought I caught a glimpse of her, a Minotaur jumped on me, axe to the throat. I growl and roar at the gross looking creature because it looked like none of the Narnian minotaurs I've known.

"Looks like the Princess is going to die today. What an honor to kill something so worthless in the eyes of her own people," The Minotaur laughs lowly as he stabs my back leg.

I let out a piercing roar and throw the Minotaur onto the ground beside me. I jump up but stumble as my body favors the now bleeding leg. "The only thing worthless here is your effort," I growl and lunge at his side, biting him as hard as I can. When he screams is the time he is most vulnerable so I take my chance and end him quickly, as not to suffer for even the enemy should never suffer in death.

"Makayla!" Someone screams in the distance.

I scan the battle around me but can't tell who yelled at me. I finally see Peter running toward me.

"Are you okay? You're bleeding!" He pants out.

I nod. Not thinking of injuries is the best way not to faint, especially in battle. "Where is Alana?"

"A little ways over but this is not going to last much longer. We need to retreat."

I shake my head. "We can't retreat! We need to keep going! I just need my axe."

"We are losing very badly and falling more by the second!"

I was listening, thinking, and looking for Alana all the same time. I may have inhanced abilities but even this was too stressful. "What about the rocks? It's a good advantaged being on the hillside and closer to the archers?"

Peter doesn't say a word to me but immediately
screams "Fall back! Retreat!""

We start running and gathering Narnian's around us. Slower and slower I become as we close into the rocks. My leg ached and I was slowly losing consciousness but I wouldn't give up, not now. I felt a tight grip on my side and quickly turned face to face with Alana.

"Your hurt! You can't be here You need to be protected!" She screams

"I just need my axe." I stated through clenched jaws.

She lays my axe down and I quickly become human. I rip part of my shirt and wrap it around my blood-soaked thigh and tighten it till I almost screamed. I could hear Alana gagging a little but tried to avoid it.

"Let's go."


Edmund's POV

Watching so many fall but not being able to do anything is the hardest thing in anyone's life. I see the Narnian's fight on the hillside and I was stuck being babysat by Mr. Beaver. I hated having an older brother sometimes.

I search for Makayla and find her with Alana as she was wrapping a piece of cloth around her leg. Even being this far away, I could see how bad the wound was. "I have to go help her." I mutter.

"You are not going anywhere." Mr. Beaver exclaims.

My stress told me otherwise and I jumped from the rock, not daring to look back. I run down the hill to Makayla and Alana. They look surprised when I reach them. I take Makayla's axe from her hand and immediately feel that strange sensation once again. "Alana, get her out of here!" I shout over the cries of the battle.

Makayla tries to take her axe back. "No I'm not leaving!'

I rip it back. "I may not technically be King but do I have to order you! If not I'm making you as my friend. Now go!" I yell. I may have sounded angry but I do not want to lose my first friend to a war.

Alana bows her head and grabs Makayla to take
her up the hill. I, on the other hand, turn and begin fighting. It doesn't take too long for me to look down the hill and see the Queen.She was turned with her staff raised to impale her next victim. I run and jump over the Narnian then clash the axe into the spear which shattered on impact.

She looks at me with a dark look in her eyes and pulls out two swords. I immediately regretted the situation but what's done is done. She starts swinging at me and I deflect the best that I could, that is till I felt a sharp pain in my side.

I had lost this battle.

Jadis rips her sword from my side and lets me drop to the ground like a lifeless doll. She walks off and I begin to look at the sky above. It was a perfect blue with fluffy white clouds all around. No pain... no lose.

I begin to feel numb to everything and felt a wave of something like peace come over me, like my time was done. I reached for it till everything I saw became a white glimpse. Then, I closed my eyes.

Yay the end of the chapter!!! Can't wait to see what happens next!! Will it  be like the movie? Who knows!? See you in the next chapter to find out!! Comment your thoughts and vote!!

~Daughter of the King~ A Narnia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now