Chapter Two: Unexpected Visitor

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Chapter Two: Unexpected Visitor

“WHAT?!” I yelled without thinking. To me, it was a knee jerk reaction. “I’m sorry, but I can’t! Does he really want to see me? If so, why did he put me up for adoption in the first place?  He obviously didn’t care about me for the past twenty years!”

With an expressionless face, Evander explained the situation to me, “Of course he wanted to find you! In fact, I don’t think he even took a break from looking for you for the past twenty years. It’s just that it has been very…difficult to locate you. Everything will become clearer when you come to the mansion. There are some issues that your grandfather wants to personally talk to you about.”

My mother and I exchanged wary glances. Right now, we didn’t know what to believe. During this whole time, my mom remained silent. Finally, she spoke up and asked a single question, “So he wants Melanie to permanently move in with him?”


She nodded in response. Suddenly, a wave of remorse washed over me. I couldn’t just leave my mother here and let her face the world all by herself. Reality hit me and I realized that life wasn’t a fairytale. It’s not practical to leave everything behind just to live in a luxurious, high class world.

I took a deep breath, “Once again, I’m sorry I have to decline the offer. I can’t just leave and forget everything that happened here. I have to be here to help support this family.”

“If money is an issue for you, don’t worry about it.” Karter stated, “Because if you come back with us, your mother will get compensated. In other words, we will financially support her. Think about it. She will have more money if you came with us than if you stayed here.”

I laughed dryly and gave him a cold look, “If you think that we want your money, then get lost. We were doing perfectly fine before you guys came, and I’m sure we will be fine after you leave. You just don’t get it. Family and friends are more important to me than money is.” Karter looked stunned by the end of my tirade.

Sensing the tension between the two of us, Evander took hold of the situation. “Okay. I know this is a big surprise to you, and it will take time to sink in. We are going to leave you alone right now so you can think about your decision. I suggest that you take everything into consideration. Let’s not forget that your grandfather is family too.”

Without another word, the two of them left, leaving my mom and me in silent shock.

“Mom…” I whispered, completely unsure of what to say or do.

 She walked over to me and pulled me into a tight embrace. “Don’t worry about me honey. I will be fine wherever you are. This is entirely your choice, and I don’t want to influence your decision.”

We stayed where we were for a couple of minutes before I chose to go to my room. In the safety of my room and the comfort of my bed, I was able to digest the news I was given. Pressured by the decision, a few tears escaped from my eyes. I usually don’t cry, but when I do, it was for silly things. I didn’t think that I needed to cry over this stupid situation.

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