Chapter Twenty-Six: Something Smells Fishy

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Chapter Twenty-Six: Something Smells Fishy

It’s been a few blissful months since I left the mansion. Life has been pretty good since both Pierce and I left for New York, but it is a whole different story for Blake. It’s been increasingly hard for him, and the pressure put on him by the newspapers and critics is really getting to him. At times he is really stressed out, he would call Pierce and I.

I sighed as I flipped through the pages of Us Weekly. I was alone in the house right now because my mom was at the bakery and Pierce was at school. Lying on my stomach on top of my bed, my heart froze when my eyes landed on one page.

There he was with his head tiled back and mouth wide open, as if he was in the middle of a big laugh. His hands were holding onto Siri’s. I could tell it was her because of her short, blond curly hair.

Blake was in some deep shit.

I growled as I quickly reached for my phone. Before I could find his name in my contact book, the devil himself called me.

“What the hell??” I screamed at him, skipping all the greetings.

“I can explain. It’s not what it looks like,” he began slowly.

“Save it, Blake. I don’t really want to hear it,” I snapped angrily.

“But you need to hear my side of the story,” he tried to convince me to listen.

I huffed, “Fine. It better be a damn good excuse.”

“Well,” he began, pausing a little. “She set me up.”

Looking at the picture again, I knew it was a candid shot. There was no way Siri could set him up so it looked like he was laughing like that. Threateningly, I warned him, “Don’t lie to me.”

The other side of the line fell silent for another moment. I sighed heavily as I realized Blake was lying to me.

“Okay, so I went to the beach once with her, ” Blake confessed. I sucked in a breath not believing my ears.

“Blake! What’s wrong with you?” I screamed at him accusingly.

“I’m sorry, Melanie. But I was so stressed and lonely. She’s always in the mansion with me, so she makes me feel less alone. I’m not going to lie when I say that I felt less stressful after going on that date with her.” I shook my head in disbelief. He was the one who said that he didn’t like Siri. I thought we all agreed she was a gold digger.

“I can’t believe what you are saying right now. If you felt lonely, you could’ve called me or Pierce! And remember, her and her dad are manipulative people!” I tried to knock some sense into Blake.

“Melanie! Whenever I try calling you or Pierce, you two are always together. I feel like you guys don’t understand me at all sometimes. You guys always have each other, and it’s not like you are completely by my side supporting me,” Blake snapped back defensively.

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