Chapter Thirty-Three: Back at the Mansion

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Yay!!! Thanks to all you new fans :D I am close to 100 now! Woohoo. Thanks again ♥ And I hope you like this chapter.

Chapter Thirty-Three: Back at the Mansion

“Wait…WHAT?!” Blake’s voice broke through the stunned silence in the rom.

Karter spoke up right after Blake. “What are you talking about, Melanie? Why would we go back?”

I opened my mouth to answer, but Pierce cut in. “I thought you said you never wanted to go back there.” He looked at me accusingly. I gulped as I realized he was right.

Isn’t it ironic how I just yelled at him yesterday for wanting to go back to the mansion? Now I’m the one bringing it up. But nevertheless, this is a special circumstance, and the guys have to realize that.

I ignored Pierce’s swipe at me and got to the point, “Chief is really sick right now. Evander told me he’s not doing so well.”

“Sick!?!” Karter asked in disbelief. “With what?”

It seemed like three of them leaned closer to me while they waited for me to answer. The anticipation was killing the guys. However, I had no definite answer for them.

Anticlimactically, I sighed and admitted, “I don’t know.”

The guys let out a sigh of disappointment as Pierce scoffed and rolled his eyes, “How do you not know?”

“I’m not the doctor here, am I?” I stared pointedly at him. “Then again, I guess that no one in this room is really qualified to be a doctor.” I laughed bitterly as Pierce glared at me.

Karter and Blake shared a confused look. I should probably update them on our relationship status, but that will have to wait.

Blake cleared his throat uneasily and tried to lessen the tension by bringing up an important point, “Should we believe what Evander is telling us? What if it is a trap or something?”

“Blake’s right. Evander already manipulated Blake enough. We all don’t need to run straight into another one of his games,” Karter reasoned.

I thought about their ridiculous claims. Even though Evander may be really deceptive, I highly doubt he would physically harm us. “Come on. It’s not like he is a serial killer or something. He can’t really do anything to us.”

"Uhhh, Melanie. I beg to differ," Pierce spoke up once again. However, he wasn't using his arrogant tone. I was surprised when I heard his voice was filled with concern and thought. "Remember the night of New Years? At the ball?"

I paled as the scene came back to me. I remembered earlier that day I was sitting in the passenger seat of Evander's car and was about to be squished into a pancake by another car.  Later that evening, there was a really sketchy conversation that basically implied that Evander arranged for it to happen.

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