Chapter Twelve: The Un-passion Flower

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Chapter Twelve: The Un-passion Flower

“Blake?” My voice quivered in the darkness. Although there were people surrounding us, who were also waiting to get into the house, I felt isolated and scared.

This was the worst thing ever. The line itself to get into the haunted house took two whole hours. And it wound through a warehouse where there were people jumping out and scaring you. There were also TVs where they showed live video clips of people inside the haunted house. And trust me, it did not look fun.

“Yeah?” A voice whispered into my right ear.

“I’m just making sure you’re still there…” I whimpered. I was still clinging to his arm, so I don’t see how he could’ve wandered away. Nevertheless, I was still paranoid.

An arm started rubbing my back in soothing circles, and I felt my muscles begin to relax. He continued to soothe me, and his hand worked its way up to my shoulder. In the middle of giving me a shoulder massage, he suddenly clamped his cold and clammy hands around my neck.

“BLAKE!!” I screamed and hugged him even tighter.

The real Blake whisked me up in a hug and started to pat my hair, “Shh…it’s okay. I’m here. What’s wrong?” He was oblivious of the creepy guy who was pretending to be him.

A pale figure with bloody scratch marks that ran down his cheeks started cackling. With one hand, he held out his long, sharp nails and pointed at me. His other hand was holding a knife covered in blood. “You will be buried either dead or alive. Ashanti levi marksa doom.” As he began to chant the words, his eyes turned to the back of his head and a tremor ripped through his body.

“STOP!!” Beginning to cry, I buried my face into Blake’s shirt. From what I could tell, Blake was also scared out of his pants.

The man just gave one last cackle and sauntered away, looking for another group of people to scare.

“Blake…I don’t think I can stand this any more. Can we please go out?” I cried into his shirt. Somehow, his scent comforted me, and my tears began to dry out.

I could feel him nod his head. Taking my hand in his, he led me towards an exit. The people were smart enough to construct several exit places in the line, so cowards like me could exit before actually going into the haunted house.

The exit here was slightly awkward because the ceiling was low and it slanted at a 45 degree angle. Looking ahead, I could see the bright afternoon sun that looked so cheery and happy.

Completely caught off guard, I shrieked when a bloodied and maimed person landed on the ceiling right above me. As I looked around me, I realized that the walls and ceiling were made out of Plexiglas. More people surrounded us, and they started to moan and pound on the walls. I could hear the glass shaking, and I was scared that it would break sometime soon.

Accidentally pushing Blake over in my haste of getting out of the haunted house, I literally trampled over him and ran out into the sunlight. Even after I got out of that house, I didn’t stop running. My natural instinct was to get as far away as possible from the horrific house. Thank god I was a runner, or else I probably would have died from all the running.

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