Chapter Thirty-Five: White Washed Walls

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A/N: Hello my lovely readers!! I just wanted to let you all know that this story is coming to an end very soon. I haven’t written it out completely yet, but I know there is about four chapters left including the epilogue. Thank you so much for reading!! Please vote? And fan? ♥

Chapter Thirty-Five: White Washed Walls

My mind was still drawing a blank. Did Pierce really accept the job as the CEO? Muttering an excuse, I pushed myself back from the table and escaped from the room. He knew that I would seriously disapprove of this decision, but he still chose to take over the company. I guess he was serious when he said that he didn’t need me or my opinions in his life.

I quickly ran up to my room and sat on the windowsill, wanting to be alone with my thoughts. At first, sadness filled me when I heard the news. But I was done crying over Pierce and his stupid decisions. I can’t let him hurt me any more.

Anger slowly seeped into my body the more I thought about Pierce. A thousand thoughts went flying through my mind, but only one question stuck out.

What bullshit is he trying to pull now?

Too restless to sit still, I got up and snuck out into the hallway. I wasn’t ready to face anyone else yet. For once in my life, I wanted to be alone. Walking around the house aimlessly, I let myself wander.

After a few minutes, I rounded a corner and came face to face with an unfamiliar hallway. That’s weird…I thought I knew the mansion like the back of my hand by now. I looked around at my surroundings, trying to figure out where I was. The stairs that let to my parents’ bedroom loomed above my head. I never knew there was a hallway underneath the stairs. The entrance was usually blocked off by a door, so I always thought it was a coat closet or something.

Hesitantly, I took a step into the hallway. Shivers ran down my spine when the single light bulb flickered above me. The short hallway was lined with two doors on either side, all of them closed. Moving towards the door closest on my right, I was able to discern a voice.

My curiosity got the best of me as I carefully laid one ear on the door.

“It was almost too easy,” a deep voice said. “I thought they would be inseparable, but it looks like they’re not as ‘in love’ as we thought.”

“Excellent.” I gasped as I recognized that voice. Evander. “It looks like everything is falling perfectly into place as I planned.”

“And the delivery came in today,” the first guy said something again. His voice seemed like he was proud.

“That’s good. We were running low on the milk,” Evander said coolly as usual.

What the hell!?? Milk? Is that a freaking code word or something?

After a pause, Evander spoke up again. “It won’t be long before it’s all over.”

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