Chapter Eight: Beach Bash

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Chapter Eight: Beach Bash

We all quickly got changed and packed for the beach. I wore a white sundress with floral patterns on top of my bandeau bikini. I haven’t worn my suit for so long that I was sort of surprised there were no cobwebs on it. At least it will be able to see the sun today. Anyways, I was super excited to be able to finally get out of the house. It has been full of drama that it would be nice to have a break from that place.

The three guys drove their separate cars there and Evander almost made me take my own limo, but I refused. I couldn’t show up at the beach in a limo because that would be way too flashy for me…although Blake’s silver Mazda RX8 isn’t much better. In fact, all the guys had their own sports cars. Karter has a red Porsche while Pierce has a black Maseradi. I have to say that I’m not totally surprised.

Siri rode with Pierce, and Karter drove alone. The whole way there, Blake and I talked about California and interesting things to do here.

The conversation flowed to a stop as we whizzed by the Californian palm trees. I admired them silently while I stared out the window. The silence in the car wasn’t an awkward one that needed to be filled in with talk. We were both the kind of people who didn’t really mind the quiet.

Blake’s hand eventually found mine after a few minutes. We entwined our fingers together, and he drew circles on my hand with his thumb. He spared me a quick glance with a small smile and continued driving forward. When he smiled at me, I felt at ease. It was comfortable being around him, and I felt like I could always trust him.

We reached the beach after Karter but before Pierce. Karter was a maniac fast driver, and I could tell he loves to push the limits of his car to the max. Typical trait of a womanizer, I thought ruefully in my head.

After Blake parked his car, I climbed out of it slowly. I stared at the beach, excited to just jump in and feel the cool water around me.

“C’mon Blake!!” I pulled on his arm, willing him to go in the water with me.

“Hold your horses, Mel” Karter looked at me with amusement dancing in his eyes. “We have to wait for Siri and Pierce. They seem to be taking their time.” He nodded his head in their general direction.

I rolled my eyes as I took in the sight. Leaning against the car was Pierce, being the “hot guy” he was, while Siri played the role of the desperate girlfriend who was all over her man. She literally squirmed her way between his legs and leaned her face in towards his.

“Do we have to wait for the two lovebirds over there?” I asked sarcastically. Apparently I said to too loud because Pierce shot me a death glare. I just stuck my tongue out in response. Childish, I know, but it made me feel better. It looked like Pierce rolled his eyes, and he lightly pushed Siri off of him.

“Well, someone here is very impatient,” Pierce accused me as he casually made his way towards the three of us. Siri followed behind like a dog.

“You were taking your time. The whole world doesn’t have to wait for you,” I retorted.

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