Chapter Twenty-One: Runaway as Fast as You Can

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Chapter Twenty-One: Runaway as Fast as You Can

I didn’t hear from anyone as I went back to my room. No one came upstairs to get me or Pierce, so I guess the big news sort of put everything on halt. I didn’t see Chief for the next few hours, and Pierce left the day after he dropped his secret. The other two guys and I saw him leave, and my heart sagged when his plane took off.

It was only going to be a little while before I got to see Pierce again. But by then, I might be engaged to someone else. I winced a little at that thought and hoped that Chief would change his mind. Hopefully, he would realize how ridiculous this whole situation is. Arranged marriages were things of the past…it didn’t happen in modern times.

A week went by without anything happening and the house seemed eerily silent, which didn’t help the mood I was in. I talked to Pierce several times after he arrived at New York, but it just wasn’t the same. I sighed and stared at the ceiling of the room as I lied down on my bed. I jumped a little as my cell phone started to ring right next to me.

“Hello?” I answered, not bothering to check caller ID.

“Hello, lovely!! I missed your voice,” a friendly woman cooed.

“Hey, mom. I missed you too.” I smiled when I heard her voice. It was nice talking to her, since it has been a while.

“So guess who finally knocked on my door today like a lost little puppy?” I could imagine her grinning on the other side of the phone.


“Yes. Honey, you said he was going to arrive a week ago!! I thought he was lost in New York! But when I talked to him, he said that he was living in a hotel. Apparently, he didn’t want to be a burden.” My mother scoffed at the idea. She was the most hospitable person, and nothing would be a burden for her.

“Awww. Is he there right now?” I asked, hoping that I could talk to him. It has been a few days since we last talked.

“I’m sorry, honey. He is actually out right now. He said something about an interview with a school.”

Smiling to myself, I was happy to hear that Pierce was already starting to go for his dream. “Okay then. That’s fine.”

“Oh yeah! Jessica called yesterday and asked me when your funeral was,” my mother laughed heartily. “She said that since she hasn’t heard from you for a while, she assumed you were dead. I suggest you call that silly girl soon. I like her sense of humor.”

I slapped myself in the forehead. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t called my best friend in weeks. “Thanks for reminding me. She’s going to kill me!!”

Someone knocked on my door. After a few seconds, the door opened and Evander stuck his head in the room. My heartbeat quickened, but I tried to ignore the feeling. He wasn’t going to hurt me when I was on the phone. He could easily get caught.

“Excuse me, Miss Cartwright. Your grandfather wants to see you right now in the library.” I nodded quickly and waited for him to leave.

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