Chapter Twenty: ...And all Hell Breaks Loose

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Chapter Twenty: …And all Hell Breaks Loose

The table was silent. All you could hear was the occasional sound of silver forks and knives hitting against the delicate china plates. Someone chewed loudly, and the sound of swallowing disgusted me a little. What a typical morning. Nothing really exciting happened in this New Year so far. I guess some things never change…like our usual silent morning breakfast…

…Or so I thought. Chief slowly stood up and gave all of us an expectant look. Karter, Blake, Pierce, and I all stopped eating and met his gaze with the same questioning look on our faces.

“I know we haven’t talked about this in a while, so it may be a shock for you guys,” Chief warned us before going on. “But this Friday is the four month anniversary of Melanie’s arrival.”

At first, I had no idea what he was talking about. A few seconds later, realization dawned on me and it showed in my expression. I looked at the other three guys. Karter and Blake didn’t seem to know what was going on, but Pierce’s face was clearly paler at this point.

“Chief…no. Not now.” I whispered, hoping he would stop giving his speech.

Ignoring me, he continued, “I promised Mel that on Friday, I would announce who was going to be the successor to the company. She only had to live here for four months before I made the final decision.”

“Chief. Do we have to do this?” I asked in a small voice, looking over to Pierce. He looked so broken right now; all I wanted to do was to give him a hug.

Pierce still never told Chief that he wanted to become a doctor because he didn’t have a plan of what to do after he gets kicked out. But it seems like his time has run out. It is now or never.

Instead of speaking up like I thought he would, he clamped his mouth shut and stayed silent. I shot him a questioning look, but he avoided eye contact with me.

Chief kept on talking as I tried to get Pierce’s attention, “You are expected to meet me in the foyer on Friday at 9 in the morning. Please don’t be late.” With that, he casually left the room, leaving the four of us in shock.

“So…Are you excited for your wedding?” Karter asked me jokingly after a long moment of awkward silence.

I gave him a death stare. Sarcastically, I responded, “Oh yeah, for sure. The only problem is that I have no idea who I’m getting married to.”

Karter gave me a pointed look and shifted his eyes toward Pierce. Obviously he thought he knew who the successor was going to be. However, he couldn’t be more wrong, which broke my heart.

The only person that I truly liked was the only person that I couldn’t have. I shook my head slightly at Karter and walked out of the room. Hoping to find an escape, I decided to take a jog. The air was slightly cold, but it was refreshing. The sound of gravel under my feet quickly eased some of my tension, and I already felt a little better.

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