Chapter Twenty-Five: I'm Alive

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Chapter Twenty-Five: I’m Alive

Denied. My card was denied. I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal on the surface, but it had a lot of meaning to me.

Why would Chief cut me off from his life? I understand that I was being childish when I ran away, but I didn’t think that it would make him hate and disown me. This just didn’t seem right! I needed to talk to him, but I’m afraid that if I do, he would force me to go back to the mansion without Pierce. I had no idea what to do.

Sarah, the sales attendant, gave me a weird look. Slowly, she asked, “Would you like to try another card?”

I looked down at my wallet again. I had no cash and I had a few Starbucks gift cards. Realizing I had my old credit card, I sucked in a deep breath and handed it over. Sarah swiped the card and waited only for a moment before telling me to sign the receipt that was being printed. I tried to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach as I saw more than $400 taken out of my meager account. It was the one I had before Chief appeared in my life.

I don’t know why I HAD to have the dress. It was probably because of my pride and desire. As she handed me my card and dress back, I quickly took them and walked out of the store. Feeling suffocated in there, I took in a deep breath of fresh air outside and calmed myself. I will find a way to talk to Chief and figure everything out. This is just so unlike him.

He spent twenty years of his life looking for me, and I only lived with him for four months. Could he give me up so easily after he fought so hard to find me? I felt a little selfish as I thought about that. I probably wasn’t as great as he imagined. Sighing, I looked at my cell phone to check the time. It was 4.

Groaning, I tried to think of something to do for the next three hours. I decided to go to Sephora to get some more makeup. I was running low on all my cosmetics. I don’t know why, but walking into that store always calmed me down. The bright colors and hues of makeup always caught my attention.

I’ve always wanted to try out the outrageous colors, but I had no idea how or when I would wear them.

“Hello, my name is Amy. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?” a girl my age asked me. She was wearing a black t-shirt with a black smock on top. After seeing her genuine smile, I instantly took a liking towards her.

“Well, I need some more makeup,” I began.

“Hence why you’re in Sephora,” she giggled. I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. “I’m just joking. I’ll show you some of my favorite things!”

I looked at her face and saw the subtle yet beautiful makeup that she was wearing. I would die to learn how to do that with my face, “Thank you so much! I would actually really enjoy that.”

“Great!” she led me to the foundations. “I always use this brand. It feels so light like you’re not wearing anything, but the coverage is simply amazing. It also claims to be a foundation, moisturizer, powder, and concealer all in one. I don’t know if it’s true, but it does work.” She took a bottle and held it up to my face. Shaking her head, she put it down and grabbed a lighter shade. “Perfect!”

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