Chapter Thirty: Digging Up the Truth

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Chapter Thirty: Digging Up the Truth

The four of us stared at each other in confusion. Not one of us could come up with a plausible reason why Siri would suddenly become nice to Blake.

Finally, Blake spoke up and continued his story of why he left the company. "Anyways, Siri was there for me through the hard times. So I wasn't surprised when an article popped up about the two of us being a couple. I just shrugged it off and continued going on. But after a few weeks, more and more rubies and articles surfaced more frequently."

I remembered when I saw the first article about Blake and Siri. It would be an understatement if I said I was furious.

"I thought it was weird, especially because I, of all people, made it on to the cover of a popular gossip magazine.   I am no famous actor or singer or whatever. They NEVER feature anyone like me...a business person. Hell, I don't think they ever put Bill Gates on the front page!!"

He's right...I thought in surprise. I never thought of that before. Come to think of it, CEOs never get THAT much attention in the gossip world.

"You do have a point there..." Pierce admitted slowly. "But what does that mean? Maybe it's because you're rich now!"

"I don't think so," Blake shook his head. "Have you guys seen the most recent Access Hollywood news?"

"Yeah!!" I gave him a harsh look as I remembered what Siri said in the video interview. "I was going to talk to you about that..."

"I am not going out with her," Blake answered my question before could even ask it. "But that's not the point."

"Then what is your point?" Karter asked somewhat impatiently.

"Did you guys pay attention to the pictures?" Blake asked each one of us. Karter and Pierce shook their heads.

I spoke up as I remembered the photos. They were imprinted in my mind and I knew them like how I know the back of my hand. "Well, there was a picture of you two at the beach. The other one was of you two earring dinner at the mansion."

"Exactly!!" Blake exclaimed loudly while pointing his finger at me. We shot him confused looks as he continued to freak out. "There was a picture of us IN THE MANSION." Even though he stressed the last three words, I was still lost by what he was trying to say.

"Do I still have to explain more??" Blake shook his head in disappointment because we didn't catch on to what he was saying. After a pause, he asked slowly, "How could paparazzi get inside the house, let alone get a picture from that angle?"

I gasped as it finally clicked in my head. It was impossible to get that shot...unless you were in the room with them.

"But how can you not notice someone taking a picture of you?" Pierce asked.

Blake's shoulders slumped. "I have no idea. But no matter what, I know there's something wring with this pun intended."

I smiled at the last part, but my happiness was quickly wiped away when I came to a conclusion. "Someone in the mansion is trying to ruin your reputation. They know how much criticism you get from magazines when they talk about you and Siri."

"Yeah," Blake sighed. "They always think I'm losing concentration and only focusing on girls."

"If Siri was so nice to you," Karter began to talk in a suspicious tone. "Then why would she confirm that she is your girlfriend even though she knows it will ruin your image?"

Blake's eyes widened as they turned as large as plates. I guess he didn't think about this before. He stammered, "I don't know. I always thought she was a naive, selfish girl who was trying to boost her fame. I didn't even consider that she has an ulterior motive..."

"Then are you saying that Siri is trying to hurt Blake?" Pierce asked Karter.

"That's my only guess."

"If that is what Siri is doing," I wondered out loud. "Doesn't it mean that Evander is working on this, too?"

"Probably," Karter agreed.

"He might be the one who took the picture and sent it to the press," Pierce said, his voice full of disgust.

Blake nodded vigorously. "I wouldn't be surprised if he tipped the paparazzi on when and where Siri and I were going out. No wonder why they always magically appear out of nowhere."

"But there is still one problem," I pointed out. "We still don't know WHY Evander is doing this. It doesn't seem to have any benefits for him..."

Karter sighed in frustration, "You're right."

Blake, on the other hand, stared at me with hard and determined eyes. "I don't care what happens, but I will dig up the truth."

Pierce, Karter, and I nodded in agreement. The four of us will work together to find out what is going on...and end Evander and Siri once and for all.

I woke up with rays of sunlight penetrating my eyelids. Squinting against the sun, I looked up and saw that it was already in the middle of the sky which meant it was probably around noon already. Groaning, I turned over in my pillow so that I wasn't being blinded by the light.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down only to inhale a familiar scent. My eyes sprang open as I looked around. I felt my cheeks and ears heat up when I realize that Pierce's lap was my comfortable pillow.

While the four of us were planning our attack on Evander, I guess we all fell asleep in the family room.

I was awkwardly sprawled across Pierce and Karter while Blake slept in the armchair by himself. I was the only one that was laying down.

Feeling guilty about crushing Karter and Pierce, I tried to get up slowly without waking them up. While in the process of doing so, I utterly failed by elbowing Pierce in the ribs and kicking Karter in the chin.

"Oww," Karter moaned as he opened his eyes in shock. "What the hell was that for?!?"

"Yeah! Why are you trying to kill us?" Pierce mumbled while clutching his stomach. He had not opened his ryes yet, so I could tell he was still tired.

"I'm so sorry, guys!!" I gushed as I sprang off of them, not wanting to impale them any more.

"Will you guys keep it down?" Blake grumbled from behind me.

After a small silence, I heard the three of them start to breathe evenly. They are such lazy pigs. I looked up at the clock and grimaced at the time. It was already 12:37pm.

I love to sleep, but sleeping in too late made me feel a little guilty. With the time I was sleeping, I could have done something more productive. Before my whole life turned upside down, I would have already ran, helped out in the bakery, and gone to work.

Sighing, I decided to make brunch so that I was actually doing something. Although by now, it would just be considered breakfast for lunch...not brunch.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled the heavy door open. Looking around, I decided to grab the pack of bacon on the shelf. I poured some oil into a frying pan and waited for it to heat up before throwing the bacon in. The sizzling and cracking sound of bacon filled the air. A few moments later, the air was saturated with the smell of the delicious meat.

"What smells so amazing??"

I whipped around, completely caught off guard and dropped my spatula in the process. I pulled my hand over my heart to calm the frantic beating.

"Jessica!! Never scare me like that again!!" I glared at the intruder. "How did you even get in here? I'm pretty sure the door was locked."

Laughing, she walked towards mr while spinning a lanyard around her finger. I jerked my head out of the way as she almost hit my face with that thing.

"Whoops! Sorry, my bad!" She giggled. Not a trace of sorry was on her face at all. "I found this spare key under your doormat."

I rolled my eyes as she continued to tease me. "Can you be more creative with your hiding spot? It's like you're just inviting a burglar in!! Your hiding spot is way to predictable."

Shaking my head at her silliness, I quickly reached out to snatch the key out of her hand. I didn't want her to start swinging it around like a dangerous weapon again.

"Hmmm," she sniffed the air thoughtfully. "Your bacon isn't doing so well. If I were you, I would go and save them now."

My eyes widened as I caught a whiff of something burning. Running to the stove, I tried to salvage the meal. I quickly turned them over and saw that they were only slightly burned. The guys can deal with that.

Turning around, I was about to talk to Jessica when I realized that she wasn't there anymore.

Jessica's voice reached me a second later as she screamed "TIMBER!!" from the family room. It sounded like she was a woodchopper screaming out before a tree fell.

After a split moment of silence, I heard two loud grunts. Chucking, I knew that Jessica probably fell on yip of Kater and Pierce to wake them up.

Thundering footsteps made their way into the kitchen as I saw Jessica running away from Karter. Squealing, she ran and hid behind me.

"Jessica! You are so dead!" Karter's eyes blazed with amusement. "Since when were you this hyper?!?"

"Since forever!" Jessica smiled as she used my body as a shield. I picked up the hot pan of bacon just as Karter took a threatening step towards Jessica.

"Wait! Don't burn me!" Karter shrieked like a little girl and stopped walking towards us. "Why are you taking her side?"

I laughed as an annoyed Pierce walked into the room. I said, "I'm not taking sides! I'm just moving the food onto the table!"

Pierce sat down and looked up at at me gratefully when I put the meat in front of him. Winding an arm around my waist, he pulled me toward, making mr bend over so that our faces were level.

"Thank you, baby." he closed the distance between us as he hungrily sucked my lower lip.

"Get a room, you guys!! I don't want that to be the first thing I see every morning!" Blake rubbed his eyes as he walked groggily in. Suddenly, he froze in place. His hand remained hovering over his right eye, but not scratching it. It was as if time stopped for him as he stared ahead of him, not blinking.

Worriedly, I placed a hand on his arm. He immediately snapped out of it and blushed a deep shade is red. I looked up confusedly and saw what he was looking at. A huge grin crossed my gave as I saw Jessica's confused one. Blake totally likes her!

Karter and Pierce seemed oblivious to the whole scene that unfurled in front of them, but I was on cloud nine. It was just too cute! I can't believe that he blushed.

Silently, with his head down, he walked towards the kitchen table and stuffed a slice of bacon in his mouth. He's so shy!! I cooed to myself in my head.

Happily, I skipped to the fridge and grabbed six eggs to scramble. After cracking them into the bowl, I looked ip and saw that Jessica had sat down next to Blake and was talking up a storm to Karter and Pierce. Poor Blake, I laughed to myself as I saw him sitting there awkwardly. He was as stiff as a board and rigid all over. Bless him, he is nervous!

"So," Jessica finally acknowledged him. "You're Blake, right? I came over here today because Mel was so worried about you yesterday! I'm glad you showed up!" She smiled at him, oblivious to his unease.

Blake gave a curt nod and turned away, not actually ever saying anything. Jessica shrugged her shoulders and turned away from him again.

I laughed evilly to myself as a plan popped into my head. This was a wonderful distraction to the whole fiasco going on at the mansion.

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