Chapter Seventeen: And the Cat Gets Out of the Bag

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Chapter Seventeen: And the Cat Gets Out of the Bag

“So…” I whispered into Pierce’s ear and traced the tip of my nose up and down his neck. “Now we’re resorting to kidnapping?” I giggled.

“If that’s what you want to call it…” he smiled and looked down into my eyes. “But I’m sure you want to be with me anyways. So it doesn’t count as kidnapping.”

I laughed and looked around the cramped closet. We were squished between two large fur coats and several men’s winter jacket. “Okay. So I wouldn’t mind being with you. I just mind that we are in a closet. So what’s with this whole secretive act??”

He put his finger up to my lips to silence me, “Shhh. Don’t talk too loud or else they will hear us!”

“They?” I raised an eyebrow at him. It’s rare to see him in such a light-hearted, jovial mood.

“Yes. The other guys, Chief, the servants,” he whispered. I still looked at him questioningly, waiting for him to answer my first question. “Oh right. Uhm, we’re here because I want to talk to you. But Siri is in the house somewhere, and I don’t want her to find or hear us.”

I smiled. It was always reassuring to hear that he was hiding from his “girlfriend.” It made me feel slightly better and more secure about our…relationship. If that’s what you want to call it. “So for all that, you literally had to whisk me away in the middle of the hallway and go all James Bond? You could have at least brought me to a more comfortable place.”

Now, it was his turn to raise his eyebrow. “Do you have a specific place in mind?”

“Uhhh. No, not really,” I admitted, shaking my head.

“How about the first place we met and got to know each other?” He winked at me.

“The library?” I asked, remembering the first night that I arrived. That was such a long time ago, and it feels so weird to be looking back. “That’s hardly a secretive place. Anyone can go there, and I bet Chief is sitting in there right now.”

“No, silly.” He rolled his in exaggeration. “Your parents’ room. That’s where we talked and had that deep conversation.”

“Of course. That’s also where I overheard you and Siri arguing that one day.” I muttered softly.

Pierce looked into my eyes and saw my hesitation. “I know you don’t really like my relationship with Siri. And I’m trying to get out of it without dragging other people into it, but she is one stubborn and selfish girl.”

I sighed in response and he engulfed me in a hug, “It’s okay,” he stroked and played with the ends of my hair. “I promise today will be a Siri free day. It’s just going to be you and me.”

I nodded my head in his chest and slowly pulled away. Silently, he opened the closet door just a crack and peered outside. Seeing no one, he took hold of my hand and quickly pulled me out of the closet and towards the abandoned part of the house.

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