Chapter Three: The Mansion

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Chapter Three: The Mansion

Saying bye to everyone wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Since I didn't have a lot of close friends in the first place, I didn't have to deal with a lot of tears. But when it came to my mother and Jessica, it was a whole different story.

The two of them accompanied me, Karter, and Evander to the airport. Sunny California was going to be a very long commute from the ever so bustling New York. I didn't live in NYC, but it wasn't a very long ride from my house to the city.

"I'm going to miss you so much! Make sure you call or email me EVERY day, so I don't get Melanie withdrawal." Jessica teased and then lowered her voice, "If anything happens between you and Karter, I expect to be the first to know. Or any guy for that matter."

I laughed. I could always count on her to lighten up the situation. "Of course! Who else could I tell? My imaginary friend? You know you are my best friend, and I am glad that you are always there for me." I really meant that.

"Aww..." She cooed, tears forming in her eyes. "You are my best friend too!! I can't wait to see you again, and maybe I can visit you sometime!"

"You will always be long as the other people are okay with it," I added. I gave her a big hug and she returned it as enthusiastically.

When we broke apart, I turned to my mom. "I'll miss you a lot mom."

"And I will miss you too. Make sure you have fun there...and don't ignore my calls!! Or else I will be very mad!" she warned, "I can take care of myself, I promise you that. So don't worry about me too much when you are enjoying your time at the mansion."

"Why would you think I would ignore you?" I asked my mom with a smile. "And I'll try not to worry too much. If you ever need anything, call me!"

My mom smiled at me and pulled me into a bear hug. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you? Sometimes I think you baby me too much." She joked. I just hugged her tighter in response.

Finally, all of our goodbyes were said and I boarded the plane with Karter and Evander. When I stepped on the plane, I looked at my plane ticket for my seat number. I really hope I don't have a middle seat!! I thought to myself. Usually, I saw a number like 38F, but this time I saw 04A. I did a double take a realized that there was a huge FIRST taking u p most of the ticket.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Karter curiously asked me.

I looked up and realized that I was already at row 6. "Oh. My bad. I'm not used to sitting up in first class." I apologized. "I usually make my way to the middle of the plane before paying attention to what row I am at."

I turned around so I could walk back a few feet to my row and sit down in my seat. As I stared out the window, Karter slid in next to me. Although the seats were very spacious, I was aware of how close he was to me. I took in a deep breath to clear my mind, but that was not a good idea. Instead of fresh air, I breathed in his cologne.

Did Axe always smell this good? Maybe it's just because he's the one wearing it. I grinned stupidly to myself.

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