Chapter Thirteen: All That Glitters is Not Gold

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Chapter Thirteen: All That Glitters is Not Gold

As the rays of light hit me in the face the next morning, I realized that something didn’t feel quite right. I opened my eyes, momentarily disorientating and blinding myself. Then, I remembered last night. As the memories of Blake’s rejection replayed in my head, I felt a piece of my heart break.

It’s not supposed to feel like this, I kept telling myself. I never really liked him in the first place. I just thought that he was the only nice, sincere person here.

I just lay there in my bed, sorting through all my confusing emotions. As the thoughts got even more mixed up in my head, I could feel pressure building up on my chest. Refusing to cry, yet again, over Blake, I forced myself to get up and take a nice, relaxing shower.

I slowly walked into the bathroom, feeling its calming effects on me. Call me a weirdo, but I find the whole atmosphere of my bathroom very feng shui and relaxing. As I stepped into the shower, the warm beads of water gently rolled down my body, making me feel a whole lot better.

Of course, water couldn’t relieve me of the overwhelming stress of my situation. No matter how long I talk to it (not that I did), it won’t give me a response. So after my long shower, I decided to give Jess a long and overdue call.

“Hello? Who’s calling?” Her familiar voice answered the phone, immediately making me feel comforted. I could tell the conversation was going to interesting.

“It’s me, you dummy!” I laughed.

“Who is me?”

“Melanie!!” I exclaimed, slightly amused.

“Melanie? Sorry, but I don’t know a Mealnie.” Jess paused. “Oh wait! I think I do know one!! But she probably forgot all about me, because she just moved to California. She’s probably too busy flirting with all the hot guys over there.”

“Oh, shut up!!” Although she touched a sensitive topic about the guys, it didn’t make me want to cry. “You know it’s me. Anyway, if you keep on going with this, you’re going to miss all the juicy gossip I’m going to tell you.”

“Okay, okay! I’m done! Yeesh.” She sighed, laughing. “I want to know everything. Make sure you don’t leave anything out.”

“Well…if you want to know EVERYTHING,” I emphasized that word, “it might take a very long time to tell you.”

“I don’t care!! I just miss you so much and I want to know what’s going on in your life!!”

So after telling her to find a comfortable place to sit, I began to tell her the story, starting with the night of the ball. And not stopping until I got to the part when Blake “broke-up” with me last night. For the whole story, she silently listened to every word I said.

“Are you serious?” she whispered at the end of my long monologue, “He was just using you?? That is probably one of the jerkiest moves I have ever heard of.”

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