Chapter Fourteen: Can You Keep a Secret?

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Chapter Fourteen: Can You Keep a Secret?

I groaned as I opened my eyes in the morning, or more like afternoon to be exact. My head pounded and my stomach didn’t feel quite right.

So this is what it feels like to be hung over, I thought to myself skeptically. It was probably the worst feeling ever, and I don’t know why anyone would drink if they had to go through this.

As I tossed my covers aside, I gingerly sat up and noticed my outfit. I was wearing my pajamas, but I don’t remember changing into them. As a matter of fact, I don’t even remember coming back to the house.

Oh, shit. I swore under my breath as I had a revelation. Pierce was the last person I talked to that night. As a matter of fact, I think he was the one who was there to catch me when I blacked out. But did he drive me home? And change me out of my clothes? I shivered at the thought of Pierce seeing me almost naked. That’s just wrong.

And why was he even at the club in the first place? He said he had a lot of things to do. He’s just an egotistical jerk who just cared about himself. I thought bitterly. But the little voice in the back of my head had to butt in. He couldn’t be that selfish if he did save you from that club…

Shrugging it off, I tried to stand up. The ground tilted itself a little, but it eventually righted itself out. I slowly walked to my bathroom and took a relaxing shower. Not wanting to get too dressed up, I threw on one of my big t-shirts and some comfy jeans. Messily gathering my hair up in a loose bun, I made my way down the hall to the stairs.

But as I turned to go down the stairs, I saw someone bounding up the stairs. Putting my hands up to protect my face from the collision, I felt a strong chest crash into them. He reached out to steady me when I almost fell backwards. I looked up only to meet a pair of silver eyes. Subconsciously, my heart fluttered with adrenaline. Probably because I was nervous about asking him questions that had to do with last night.

Just as I opened my mouth to ask Pierce about what happened at the club, he quickly muttered, “Sorry, Mel. See you later.” And with that, he let go of my arms and brushed past me to walk to his room.

“What is with him?” I whispered to myself, as I was left standing there with my pounding heart. Taking deep breaths to calm down, I made my way downstairs. Not knowing what to do with myself, I wandered around the house. I wasn’t hungry for anything, so I just walked past the dining room.

I remembered my parents’ room, and decided to go there. It was perfect because I needed a quiet, serene room to spend some time alone with my thoughts. I tended to do that a lot these days. But it’s not like doing anything else will be any better.

As I climbed up the marble stairs for the third time since I had arrived at the mansion, I looked around this part of the house. I could never get used to the grandeur of the place. But it made me a bit sad thinking about how abandoned it really was. Underneath the splendor of the house, it was really lonely and desolate. This is why I can never live in a mansion, I thought to myself.

I slowly turned the handle to my parent’s room and took a step inside. Although the air seemed somewhat stale, it felt like the homiest part of the mansion. The sun hit the sheer golden curtains in a way that casted a warm and friendly light on the room. In the rays of light, you could see little particles of dust dancing around.

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