Chapter Four: Tours

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Chapter Four: Tours


“WHAT?!” I had a sense of déjà vu. Why do I always have to react this way? Or more like…why are people always deciding my life for me? “Since when was this decided?” I demanded as I shot up out of my chair.

The three guys looked just as stunned as I was, but definitely more calm and collected. I’m sure that they were trained on how to react to big news like this.

“I have actually been thinking about it for a couple of years now.” My grandpa admitted. “My dream is to make you happy, and I wanted to leave in you in good hands when I pass away. I know this is a big shock for you, especially because you just met me for the first time in twenty years. But for me, it feels like I have known you my whole life.”

I looked at him with mixed feelings. I knew he meant well by it, but I really thought he was crazy for believing that I needed money and a husband to ‘be in good hands.’

“I’m okay, even without the whole arranged marriage thing.” I felt a little silly saying the last part. It sounded so…old fashioned. “I am actually really happy, and I probably wouldn’t have ever thought in my wildest of dreams that I would be here right now.  I am sure that my life will never be the same.” I reassured him, not knowing if it was a good or bad thing.

“I know that you think I may be controlling, but if you do marry one of these wonderful lads, my mind would be at peace. Will you please do this for me?”

I looked at him incredulously and finally understood how he was so successful in business. I bet he made everyone feel so guilty that they had to agree with him. “I’m not so sure…”

“Oh come on Mel, is it that bad for you to marry one of us? Are we that awful to be around?” Karter cut in and asked me jokingly. I was slightly surprised that he was supporting my grandfather’s decision, but I decided to let it slide.

I looked from him to Blake to Pierce. Of course they were all heart-stoppingly good looking in their own ways, but I had no idea of what their personalities are like. I knew a little about Karter, but not enough so I would want to marry him. My biggest nightmare is to be stuck with an arrogant, cocky, albeit good looking guy who treats me like trash. Although none of the guys seem to be like that type, I still wanted to take caution.

“I don’t know, Karter. You seem to be a pain in the ass sometimes.” I teased back, forgetting about the other people in the room. When I finally remembered that we were in a fancy mansion, I apologized. “Sorry for my language, Mr. McKinley.”

My grandfather only laughed. “Don’t worry! We aren’t that uptight around here. I want you to be yourself because I need to get to know you better. And don’t call me Mr. McKinley. Call me Chief.”

“Why Chief? It doesn’t have anything to do with Ralph or McKinley.” I asked curiously.

“Well, I called him that when I got really frustrated with him one day.” Pierce finally spoke up for the first time that night. “He was telling us all what to do and stuff and we all got really tired of his bossiness. So I said to him, ‘Why can’t you do this yourself, Chief?’ And I guess it sort of stuck from then on.” The other three guys laughed at that memory.

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