Chapter Eighteen: Splurging at Bergdorf's

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Chapter Eighteen: Splurging at Bergdorf’s

Christmas came and went, bringing holiday and good cheer to everyone in the mansion. It is amazing what the holiday season can do to people. Blake talked to me several times, and we’re almost back to our normal friend relationship. I have to say it is way more refreshing than avoiding him and being awkward. I guess he likes it better too this way.

And there’s always Karter. He’s such a spaz, it’s not even funny. After the day he found Pierce and me together, he’s been teasing us about it nonstop. Although we made him promise not to tell anyone, he still smiles pointedly in our direction every time he sees us together. I’m surprised that no one else caught on to the secret.

“MEELL!!” a screechy voice called out my name. “Are you coming or what?”

Siri’s blonde head bobbed up and down in excitement. I don’t know how she managed to get me to go shopping with her, but I felt bad for turning her down, even though she may have an ulterior motive.

“Yeah. One sec. I just need to get these shoes on,” I hopped up and down, trying to stuff my feet into my Christmas present from Karter. These shoes almost topped the dress he picked out for me for that one dance. Of course they were high heels. But on top of that, they were red. I promised that I would wear them today, but I don’t know how long I will be able to last in these things without tripping.

“Hey guys!! I see you are keeping your promise,” Karter walked into the foyer right as I was about to leave with Siri. “Why are you guys leaving so early? It’s not even noon!”

“We are just going to go shopping for a little bit. We need something to wear for tonight!” Siri winked at Karter.

“Ahh. Right. I almost forgot about the giant company party tonight. Mel, do you want my fashion advice again?” Karter wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“No way!!” Siri slapped his arm off for me. “No boys allowed today!”

Karter held his hands over his heart and pretended to wince in pain, “Ouch that hurts. It’s always comforting to know that I am not wanted.”

“Aww, Karter. You know we love you,” I pinched his cheeks in affection. In return, he gave me a giant bear hug. “We will see you later tonight!!”

Siri linked her arm with mine, and we walked out the giant front doors.

“Karter is a sweet guy,” Siri said very pointedly. I raised an eyebrow at her. “Do you like him? I think you should. He seems to like you a lot.”

“Nahh,” I shrugged my shoulders. “We’re only good friends. It’s almost like we’re brother and sister. I can’t imagine being with him in a romantic way.”

“Why not? And what about Blake?”

“I don’t know. And defiantly not Blake. I’m not going through that again.” I responded. “Why are you suddenly so curious about my love life?” I asked her skeptically.

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